medaria arradondo head injury video

13K views, 156 likes, 1 loves, 34 comments, 117 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 60 Minutes: 13 years ago, Medaria Arradondo now Minneapolis' police. If you lose that, you may never repair it, may never get that back.. Around his neck, a bright yellow lanyard announces that he belongs. Mr. Floyds killing fueled calls for police reform and a pledge by a majority of the City Council to dismantle the department, and since then Chief Arradondo has worked with Mayor Jacob Frey to pass several reforms, including a revamped use-of-force policy. magazine_text_382199 = '

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'; Even the way he became chief feels heavy: The then mayor, Betsy Hodges, handed him the reins in the wake of Chief Jane Harteaus resignation, following the 2017 police shooting of Justine Damond. We are products of our society. His swift action was reason they are being held accountable, Williamstold NBC News. Chief Medaria Arradondo of the police department. Arradondo is reportedly Minneapolis's first Black police chief and his record in the department is nothing short of impressive. } MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was a star witness for the prosecution Monday at the trial of a former officer charged with killing George Floyd, repeating the criticism he levied after Floyd's death. At the time of Ms. Ruszczyks death, Chief Arradondo was the assistant chief. inline_cta_button_text_382199 = ''; var inline_cta_2_font_color_382199 = ''; What do police get wrong about their communities? But I cant be guided by that. Mohamed Noor, a Black officer, shot Damond while responding to the incident. A courtroom display showed an official document stating that officers are required to sign an acknowledgement they have received any updates to the police policy and procedure manual. He's previously written, Metro, and Minnesota Business. Having the hometown gig probably comes with its own pressures, too. Medaria Arradondo is an American law enforcement official who served as the Chief of the Minneapolis Police Department from 2017 until 2022. He manages the departments day-to-day operations and oversees the police-community relations program. Last December, Arradondo took to the podium to share inflated statistics about his departments use of helicopters in local police ops. The problem we have is systemic, so changing the people at the top, no doubt it can make some difference, but not the difference were looking for,Mel Reeves, a Black community leader, told the Star Tribune in 2017. He spent his first year working out of the paper's Washington County bureau, focusing on transportation and education issues, before moving to the Dakota County team. inline_cta_2_button_text_382199 = ''; freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ That was a brave step to recommend charging these officers. more of the story, announced to the world later that afternoon in a news conference outside of City Hall, Arradondo testified that one of his deputy chiefs called him at home. And service to my family members and neighbors was always something my parents instilled in us. if( inline_cta_2_font_color_382199 !='' ){ He told the agents that he spent the next several hours reaching out to Black faith leaders and community activists to inform them of what happened, recognizing that "by sunrise this was going to ignite a lot of emotion," according to documents describing the interview. While Chief Jane Harteau remains out of public view on what a spokesperson called a personal, pre-scheduled trip, Arradondo nicknamed Rondo has been the face of the MPD during the aftermath of the Justine Damond shooting, whose killing by officer Mohamed Noor has made international headlines. VIDEO: People in Denmark Are a Lot Happier Than People in the United States. cta_1_check_382199 = true; Controversial death of George . "Matter of fact, as I saw that video, I didn't even know if Mr. Floyd was alive at that time," the police chief said. A week before Philando Castile, a Black man from St. Paul, was murdered by local police in 2016, Kroll told NPR, I always equate police work to, like, basketball. The officer, Lt. Richard Zimmerman of the department's homicide unit, said that restraining Floyd in the way the officers did and for as long as they did was "uncalled for." var magazine_button_text_382199 = ''; placementName: "thenation_right_rail", The same policy also requires officers to consider whether a person's failure to comply with instructions "is a deliberate attempt to resist or an ability to comply" based on a number of possible factors, including mental impairment and medical conditions, as well as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Growing up in Minneapolis, Medaria Arradondo didnt see a lot of black cops. He took over months later, after Harteau was forced out over the fatal shooting of Australia native Justine Ruszczyk Damond, who had called 911 to report a possible sexual assault behind her house. The New Era of Backlash in Sports and Politics, How Nuclear Power Plants Became Tools of War, A Comic That Captures the Antic Energy of a Post-Truth World, Rupert Murdoch Admits That Fox Pushed Trumps Election Lies for Profit. And eventually there has to be another lens to look at that and move it to the next level. Minneapolis Assistant Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Betsy Hodges addressed the latest developments in the death of Justine Damond on Tuesday. Far more good. magazine_button_url_382199 = ''; Arradondo appears happy to oblige each. He graduated from Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis[19] and Finlandia University (then called Suomi College) in Hancock, Michigan. Reading aloud from the police manual's policy on the use of force, Arradondo said: "Sanctity of life and the protection of the public shall be the cornerstone of the MPD's use-of-force policy. When I came in, the RFP for our pre-employment psychologist was up. Its important for me to remind them that the overwhelming majority of the community appreciates and understands the importance of good public safety. Video of police killing the unarmed Black man has caused global outrage and has led to widespread protests, with people demanding justice for Floyd and repercussions for all officers involved. Minneapolis chief urges voters to reject replacing PD . Sometime around noon on the day after George Floyd died while pleading for breath under a police officer's knee, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo summoned his top staff to a meeting in his office. magazine_text_382199 = '

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'; In Seattle, police used tear gas multiple timesduring a respiratory pandemicbefore Chief Carmen Best temporarily banned it. He joined the newspaper in 2013, after stints in newsrooms in Connecticut, New Jersey, California and Mississippi. One of his cousins, Jason Youngmark, 33, was shot and killed at a north Minneapolis barbecue in 2012. inline_cta_2_font_color_382199 = '#ffffff'; "An activist who was in the room told us that there was going to be a 'war.' Arradondo not only acknowledged his concerns about the officer who killed Floyd but also about the rest of the officers who watched without taking action. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. And when it changesvia a migration of people, but also a migration of thoughtso does the outlook for the city. if( cta_2_check_382199 ){ One, that theyre not supported. Minneapolisagreed to pay $27 million to Floyds familyto settle a federal civil rights lawsuit alleging the city allowed a culture of excessive force, racism and impunity to flourish in its police force. inline_cta_2_bg_color_382199 = '#cc0e0e'; if( inline_cta_2_bg_color_382199 !='' ){ }else{ Minneapolis, Minn.Shielded by plexiglass, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo sits with his hands folded. Prosecutor Steve Schleicher showed a still image of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd's neck as Floyd grimaced in pain, a position Chauvin maintained for nine minutes and 29 seconds. var inline_cta_button_text_382199 = ''; tn_ptype: 'article', }. The 30-year law enforcement veteran said a police chief in Michigan first mentored him, telling him "people are going to kind of look at you a little bit differently.. He took the right first step when he fired the police officers and hes been visible at press conferences. On it, MLKs portrait hangs below handmade signs: our ancestors are watching inline_cta_font_color_382199 = '#000000'; Bishop Richard Howell, of Shiloh Temple International Ministries, said that he and other leaders met with Arradondo around 10 a.m. on May 26, the day after Floyd died, when the chief told them he was torn about what to do. He openly condemned Mr. Chauvins actions and called Mr. Floyds death a murder.. Mr. Arradondo was expected to testify that Derek Chauvins use of force was contrary to department policy and training. var is_user_logged_in = getCookie('SESSname'); People want to come up and talk with him.. [5][6], During Super Bowl LII, Arradondo authorized banning Philadelphia-style tailgating. Taking the witness stand Monday in the murder trial of Chauvin, Arradondo testified that one of his deputy chiefs called him at home last May 25 to tell him about the encounter with Floyd who. inline_cta_2_font_color_382199 = '#ffffff'; }else{ They were a fixture in the backdrop of our lives. inline_cta_font_color_382199 = '#000000'; In fact, save for a brief stint walking the airport beat in the late 1980s, the chief has spent his whole adult life working for the hometown squad. Asked to expound on that last category, the chief noted that when someone is under the influence, that person might react differently to verbal commands or the use of force. } "There is an initial reasonableness in trying to get him under control in the first few seconds," Arradondo said, "but once there was no longer any resistance, and clearly when Mr. Floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless, to continue to apply that level of force to a person proned out, handcuffed behind their back that in no way, shape or form is anything that is by policy, is not part of our training and is certainly not part of our ethics or our values.". cta_2_check_382199 = true; Reciting from the police manual, the chief said officers must "attempt to slow down or stabilize" a situation so that more options and resources can become available. The average big-city chiefs shelf life is three and a half years. I absolutely agree that violates our policy, he told the jury regarding Chauvins actions. if( inline_cta_font_color_382199 !='' ){ It has evolved. At the end of the day, are folks not going to be harassed by the police? Im the 53rd chief of the Minneapolis Police Department. In a TikTok-posted film taken during the celebration, Howard points over her head. By 2 p.m. Frey tweeted news of the officers' firings, writing: "This is the right call. The Minneapolis Police Department has been under fire since the death of George Floyd. ", "If I could do anything to bring Mr. Floyd back, I would do that," he said. Arradondo is well liked not only on the North Side but also in the mayors office. by: TAMMY WEBBER, AMY FORLITI and STEPHEN GROVES, Associated Press. } And it was an emotional decision.". Arradondos testimony in Courtroom 1856 resumed after a lunch break. var myStringArray = mp_global.tag; fuck arradondo if( inline_cta_2_text_382199 !='' ){ jQuery("#inline_cta_2_btn_382199").html(inline_cta_2_button_text_382199); Reading from the police manual, the chief said that officers who are waiting for an ambulance to reach someone in a medical crisis "shall provide any necessary first aid consistent with MPD training, as soon as practical.". To submit a correction for our consideration, click here. "So I don't see a level of distinction any different. That whole area was. Police are a historically defensive institution. Week two of the Derek Chauvin murder trial got underway Monday with testimony from the head of the Minneapolis Police Department. When one of our officers violates the public trust, I am responsible for that. Sign up for our free daily newsletter, along with occasional offers for programs that support our journalism. Large white letters leaned against the stage, spelling out their plan: defund police. } }else{ Video of Floyd's death ignited protests around the US and world as protesters called for reform in policing and law. From their makeshift stage in Powderhorn Park last summer, Minneapolis City Council members pledged to begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department. Council member Andrew Johnson later told The New York Times he meant the words in spirit, not by the letter. In December, the City Council voted to shift just $8 million of the MPDs $179 million budget. var magazine_text_382199 = ''; The chief said that during the restraint officers could not find Floyd's pulse. Arradondo noted that most officers receive at least some training in first aid, such as "the ABC's: airway, breathing, circulation," and know how to use direct pressure to help people who are wounded. cta_1_check_382199 = true; And, two, that those who may often have the biggest megaphone are speaking for the whole. Black Lives Matter activists organized locally and nationally around Jamar Clarks death in 2015 and Castiles death in 2016. Honestly, part of the reason is, everywhere we go out in public with him in the city of Minneapolis, its tough to get work done, says police spokesman John Elder. ", Chauvin's use of force with Floyd violated such policies, Arradondo said: "That action is not de-escalation. Who is Medaria Arradondo? cta_1_check_382199 = true; Williams said Arradondo has been doing his part to make sure the officers don't overreact when the protests get violent. He said at one point the mayor joined the meeting and the conversation briefly turned to the best course of action after people in the community saw the video. inline_cta_button_text_382199 = ''; Along the way, he and four other Black officers successfully sued the department for discrimination in promotions, pay and discipline. He said in the interview with BCA and FBI agents several weeks after Floyd's death that the gravity of what happened didn't sink in until after he watched the now infamous Facebook video of Floyd saying that he couldn't breathe after three officers got on top of him. Protesters suffered everything from eye trauma to brain injuries as a result. According to NBC News,Justine Damond was a white woman who called 911 to reporta sexual assault incident near her home. Earlier in Monday's session, Dr. Bradford W. Langenfeld, who pronounced Floyd dead last Memorial Day, testified about his medical condition a key issue in the trial. } The Hennepin County medical examiner's office ruled Floyd's death a homicide, noting that his heart and lungs stopped functioning "while being restrained" by police. } inline_cta_url_382199 = ''; As CBS News' Jamie Yuccas reports, Chief Medaria Arradondo said . The chief repeatedly stressed the importance of good training, saying that "it's so important that we evolve, and meet our communities where they are.". After days away from the public spotlight Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo is meeting with reporters Wednesday to address calls for his department to be defunded and disbanded, and to share his ideas on moving MPD forward.\r\r\r\rWelcome to the official YouTube channel of KARE 11 News. if( inline_cta_2_url_382199 !='' ){ And even a few of those individuals who were causing havoc in the neighborhood. MINNEAPOLIS The Minneapolis police chief testified Monday that now-fired Officer Derek Chauvin violated departmental policy in pinning his knee on George Floyd's neck and keeping him down after. One thing we dont give you is the benefit of the doubt. inline_cta_2_button_text_382199 = ''; After a lengthy discussion, Judge Peter Cahill said that officers who weren't present at the scene of Floyd's death would have less leeway to express their opinions than those who had been present on the night he died. jQuery("#inline_cta_2_btn_382199 a input").css("color",inline_cta_2_font_color_382199); Derek Chauvin, the white officer seen on video pressing his knee into Floyds neck for 9 minutes, 29 seconds, was charged with second-degree murder and other counts. I lived on Aldrich, adjacent to what was then the public housing projects. No sooner has he put his arms back on the table than another customer comes up to schmooze. Subscribe to our channel for compelling and dramatic storytelling, award winning investigations, breaking news and information you can use.\r\r Subscribe to KARE 11 on YouTube:\r Watch more KARE 11 video:\r Visit\r Download our app! Drew Wood is Deputy Editor of Mpls.St.Paul Magazine. We know it's broken. And the other guy rose from his slumber and said, You know, Ive got an uncle who teaches at this school up in Michigan; I can bring you some information.. Read More In this image from video, witness Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo testifies as Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill presides Monday, April 5, 2021, in the trial of former . Blocks from the courthouse, a news camera sits alone on the street corner. Download the free 8News and StormTracker 8 mobile apps! Arradondo talked with the Floyd familyin a live interview on CNN Sunday. The arts and entertainment blog. Libor Jany "That, of all the great things and all of the good things that this department has done, this one singular horrific incident was going to [be significant] and by the way, this is days before the riots.". The day before Arradondos testimony, George Floyd Square was alive. Arradondo made some quick changes, including toughening department policy on use of body cameras and requiring all officers to go through training that stresses respectful interaction with the public. Webber reported from Fenton, Michigan. Arradondo, a fifth-generation Minnesotan, joined the Minneapolis Police Department as a patrol officer, eventually working his way up to precinct inspector and head of the Internal Affairs Unit, which investigates officer misconduct allegations. There were pockets of uncertainty. ". [1] In 2007, he and four other African-American officers sued the department alleging discrimination in promotions, pay, and discipline. It's among the first steps he pledged to take to restore. You may unsubscribe or adjust your preferences at any time. Thats a great point. Questions also touched on crisis intervention, a police policy similar to its de-escalation measures. April 07, 2021 - 5:03 AM. inline_cta_text_382199 = '

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'; You know, I think that its a mixture. The prosecution called Medaria Arradondo, the Minneapolis police chief, to testify on Monday. The chief testified for more than an hour before the court went into recess for lunch. The only times they really came close was if there was something bad that occurred in the neighborhood. You just accept that and go in there every day and work your hardest. It was not uncommon for your neighbors to be like your extended parentselders whod scruff you up by your neck. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said Monday that ex-cop Derek Chauvin violated department policy and training during his fatal encounter with George Floyd. The sanctity of life is the pillar of the department's use-of-force policy, Arradondo said and he acknowledged it wasn't always the case. Chauvin, 45, is facing three criminal charges, as listed in court documents: A previous version of this story incorrectly referred to Derek Chauvin's defense attorney as George Floyd's defense attorney. When the Murderapolis years were here, I was a young officer, and to experience a city where we would reach almost 100 homicides in a single yearthat was very different. To communicate and listen and make sure that they were being heard. "If someone loses a loved one, that can trigger a crisis.". Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo testified for the prosecution Monday in the trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who is facing murder charges over the killing of George Floyd. Many Minnesotans have said they have confidence in Chief Arradondo, saying he has shown an appetite for change that past police leaders have not. Arradondo now serves as Minneapolis' police chief, whose officer was shown killing George Floyd in a now-notorious video that sparked a nationwide uprising. But Arradondo said that a review of the full footage showed Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck up until that time, pinning Floyd in a manner that is not a trained Minneapolis Police Department neck restraint. var inline_cta_2_text_382199 = ''; jQuery("#inline_cta_btn_382199").html(inline_cta_button_text_382199); She suffered critical injuries, including a brain bleed. Less than two weeks ago, Arradondo convened a press conference after an MPD officer punched a Black teenager in the face. Kroll has bragged openly about his infamy: 54 complaints and 11 lawsuits to his name. Zimmerman testified that putting someone in handcuffs brings the threat level "way down," and he said anyone who is cuffed while facedown on the ground should be moved immediately. And I did not see a whole lot of officers who looked like me. Stephen Maturen/Getty Images (4th Precinct Police Station). inline_cta_2_text_382199 = '

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'; So my buddy asks what Im going to do. In his later interview with the BCA and the FBI, Arradondo recalled that he hadn't yet made his final decision, but asked the officials gathered about what they thought about firing Chauvin and the other three officers, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, the documents said. Under questioning from Schleicher, Arradondo described how officers are responsible for learning new procedures and standards when department policies change. Arradondo said his department handles "a couple hundred thousand" service calls each year, not including officer-initiated police actions. The police chief stood in the middle of a protest for Floyd and communicated with the Floyd family while they watched from their home. var inline_cta_font_color_382199 = ''; Taking the witness stand Monday in the murder trial of Chauvin, Arradondo testified that one of his deputy chiefs called him at home last May 25 to tell him about the encounter with Floyd who hadn't yet been pronounced dead prompting Arradondo to contact Mayor Jacob Frey before heading to City Hall, where he watched footage from a city-owned camera. Arradondo was chief when Floyd died while in police custody on May 25, 2020. var arrayLength = myStringArray.length; Activists had placed tributes to victims of police violence on the barricades, but police removed most of them. Mayor Betsy Hodges demonstrated faith in Arradondo when he took the job following the controversy. "We want to meet people where they are," the chief said, later adding, "We recognize that oftentimes, people who are experiencing crisis, it is not something that they brought on themselves but are dealing with.".\r Find KARE 11 on Facebook:\r Follow KARE 11 on Twitter:\r Follow KARE 11 on Instagram: Does that bother you? jQuery("#inline_cta_btn_382199 a input").css("color",inline_cta_font_color_382199); So I'm very sorry. Here are five things to know about the man who is now in the national spotlight: According to the Star Tribune,Arradondo talked about the weight of his responsibility when he took over the job in 2017, becoming Minneapolis' first Black police chief. He said the chief listened patiently and tried to answer their questions. Hes trying to say all of these words, but what hes really saying is youre an African American who is embarking upon a profession and whos about to wear a uniform that this community has never seen before, Arradondo said.

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