cases won against cps

The Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution states, "The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.". This process goes without judges approval . Punitive damages to be determined against the individual CPS workers. Sign NOTHING!!!!! Every morning I get my tea and sit in a comfortable chair first I pray, then read my Bible this has become a habit. Im willing to take a follicle test but the judge will not consider it, Im pregnant due anyday also willing to take a mecomium test on the baby. My son was being targeted in school, harassed by yard duty and pushed out of school. Thank you sooo much for the advise, you have given me direction that I need desperately. I get nothing but the run around from them. The middle child reported physical abuse again, CPS, totally different people because everyone from last time was fired, told father that the previous case was unfounded and was sorry because it was not handled well. Now, when I choose to end my life, I will indict a corrupt judicial system and CPS in my suicide note. I want to hire a better lawyer than my court appointed. ", In her prayer for relief, Plaintiff demands $100,000 in punitive damages, $100,000 in damages for emotional distress, and "[r]emedy to stop harassing my children in the school without counsel or parents.". No one is helping. I dont trust CPS workers with samples, really, as Ive heard of some cases where false positives were probably generated by the CPS workers themselves. I was not able to find any lawyer that was willing to help me during and after I was able to get her back. My nephew has been kidnapped by CPS in LA and we need a lawyer that wins these cases of false allegations. My childs paternal grandparents have temporary custody of my son. If you would like more feedback on your case youre welcome to join us on the message board: Even after the charges were dismissed, CPS decided to use evidence from the Fruit of the poisonous tree . Is there a Pro Bono Attorney that will help in this case. Im on my phone sending you this comment and I would love to be on this petition or is it a lawsuit,even better. Susan, I dont know anything about an exemption. I would like to sue the state and CPS for what they have done. Hello Cathleen, I lost my daughter to cps in San Joaquin county, California while her and I traveled there to visit a friend. I would like to get an email from you if you are interested in demonstrating. Read everything you can and learn what to tell them. Please communicate with CPS in writing-no phone calls. and I trusted the system and I now have no child .. Did Vincent Davis get your first one back at least. Typically cases don't come out of the agency's day-to-day processes or its representative's routine actions. Norma, can you get your own drug testing done at another lab that doesnt work for CPS? Shawn A. McMillan, Esq. When I contacted the police, they informed me that they would assign it the classification of child annoyance and assign it a report asap, well, during sex ed class (my daughter is in junior high now) my daughter mentioned this incident from her much distant past and voila DCFS was contacted! if . But i am STILL fighting. WebFight CPS Hand Book Very Rough Draft:07/09/14 . We would cut off 90% CPS employees to save tax dollars for assistant poor family rather than let CPS do harm to our children of good parents. But the social workers said they would not recommend it. . These witch hunters need to be stopped! I was told by a CPS worker that 50% of them are taken ONLY to justify their budgets for the next year. Ask for a custom price quote Now! Due to this we were denied. Ms. Fogarty-Hardwick also alleged that Orange County Social Services, Marcie Vreeken, Elaine Wilkins, and Helen Dwojak maliciously failed to provide the court with exculpatory information, and filed false reports in furtherance of the effort to keep Ms. Fogarty-Hardwick separated from her children. Money comes from federal government to the states and then the state disburses it to the counties. The only communication we got from CPS was a letter stating the case was closed and we could contact them for futurehelp. You have to tell them you know of this and have him move out if you believe that is why they arent giving back. When a child is said to be neglected, the parent or guardian fails to provide for a childs needs, such as adequate food, shelter, health care, or education. Get photocopies of the regulations that are violated. The parents have a murder charge pending on them for one of their children. His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. San Diego, California 92122 DEFENDANTS, Court:United States District Court, W.D. Be sure to get someone to edit your work before it is published if you choose to go that route. But i dont know if i have grounds to stand on. In other words, "liability under 1983 must be based on active unconstitutional behavior." Hi Caitlin even if we tried to do the lawsuit we still dont get our children back, we need to change the way the state actually handles DCFS cases and to change the laws to were hearsay is no longer permitted and proof needs to be presented and also were and with who they place our children many of these foster parents and Non family members have some kind of background from drug charges to DCFS cases themselves and domestic violence to felonies. 1983, charging constitutional violations in removing child !This is not right!! Linda, you can get feedback on your case here:, Pls advise an dhelp my 3 teens 14 13 11 have been taken for high school by Newoort police to orangwood shelter .4 weeks passed .kids and mother are inocent ,Ex Don Langley molesting my 3 kids ,police took them on basis PAS parental alienation syndrome pls advise how to bring home my 3 kids ,my 14 year old want to die at shelter. CPS and therapists can create false memories in children and the children believe that what theyre telling is the truth. I got CPS involved (thinking I was going to be heard, and helped). In the instant case, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, CPS, and the CPS Hotline are not "persons" acting under color of state law for 1983 purposes. 2005) (quoting Bass v. Robinson, 167 F.3d 1041, 1048 (6th Cir. The County of Los Angeles settled a civil rights action brought by the grandparents of two minors for the warrantless removal of the children from their home in violation of the familys constitutional rights to familial association free from unwarranted government interference. Be prepared. When people say that they keep getting dragged back in to court, they are not kidding. For an emailed notificationof new articles,enter your email address here: Copyright 2023 Linda Jo Martin, site owner, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. First, the Court notes that the complaint lists as Plaintiffs Peterson and Jay'Cara Strader. I think we should all put a HUGE sign on our rooftops saying MY CHILD/CHILDREN WERE KIDNAPPED AND I WAS RAPED BY CPS.. See how much attention we get THEN.. Im sure the News Medias would see it, and everyone flying high in their planes.. Im sure it would get some attention! When they showed up at my house..I let them in and access to all 4 of my kids as she told me it was mandatory. If you know youre clean you might just want to take it and get it over with, and at the same time send the sample to a second lab of your choice. Know how to credibly defend yourself and protect your child. One of them even quit her job after the trial. CPS Causes Horrendous Stress and TRAUMA, and Americans Should PAY for Harming Families This Way California: Verdict Against CPS for 4.9 Million! The County of Los Angeles, while denying the allegations of the complaint, agreed to pay $220,000 to settle the case. We know it is difficult for pro se parents to craft powerful motions, petitions, writs, or appeals. Learn how your comment data is processed. My complaint is the California Child Protection Services and the mother of my son (from another relationship) made false allegations against me in favor of the mother. Children finally returned. Theres a process that no judge attorney etc can do anything about. THE LAW OFFICES OF SHAWN A. McMILLAN, A.P.C. Brion join us on the message board for feedback on your case! Maria, you have my deepest sympathy on this loss of your child. Please, Justice for JJ, so he can come home. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. I am not sure where to find the regulations but I will look into it now. Lenas case almost got thrown out because they were up against the 5-year statute. My children (ages 6 and 2 at time of removal now 7 and 3) are being emotinaly abused and my oldest daughter phyical and mental abuse from the GAY foster parents and the SW who had a romantic interes in my X. I HAVE CONTACTED THE NEWSPAPER THE NEWS LAWFIRMS IN MY TOWN NO ONE WILL HELP ME PLEASE!!!! WebThe majority of cases administered by Child Protective Services (CPS) involve neglect. TWITTER: @CorruptCourts, WebParents rights. She was admitted to CHOC. The state of Washington will pay the children a total of $9.75 million to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of the children in 2013. Plaintiff alleges that the worker "claimed that a hotline call was reported that I was mentally ill and that she was too and I was accused of medical abuse because she wasn't taking her medications for mental illness." Find what helps you heal. Call them on it and threaten to sue them based on their civil rights violations. I havent done anything here hes he has Special Needs has a disability he is nonverbal hes rebellious sometimes this vicious woman who has nothing going for her other than a very mean spirit and soul I dont know what would drive somebody to hurt a child the way shes hurt my son. I am desperately seeking for help. Social workers are , and intentionally misinforming the courts and Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored the court. What is our next action thankyou. Schs., 433 F.3d 460, 470 (6th Cir. He is amazing! Dhs lied on the stand -prosecutors told people what to say, it goes on and on. Ive lost my three children nigh completely (and for most of 2009, completely) despite no charges of anything against me just character assassination in court. but its been 17 yrs and the long turm effects from that trama are showing in my kids and in me like my son says im not his real mom . Judy, why dont you publish your journals? In September after all these years of fighting I Iost my parental rights it didnt matter that i complied with everything including never missing visits and that I had proof of everything I no longer believe in the system. 1997). Im glad youre able to Facetime and look at him. You have to take it case by case and see how things are changing from the perspective. Though, it often takes a lot of paperwork and time for that to be reopened. Before the CPS case gets moved to another state, the previous state needs to give approval to child welfare. I need a miracle. Folks, ever since the verdict, Ive been contacted by people all over the country about taking on another case like this. What is so crazy is that no matter what you do DCFS here in California or atleast in los angeles is one of the most powerful and corruption state organizations. .. this is insane Im scared because they have made up serious lies that has removed my children I have proof medical records and recordings my lawyer stated wait until trial but Im scared they will tell the judge my mom didnt obey they order but they said it would be best that the children stay were they are already my mom said it was a misunderstanding and she said that she had been approved by a social worker and and took them away from her she still has care correct of the kids just because they feel its isnt the best do we have to listen OH and my sons dad had been arrested prior but he is a great father nice home married and takes well care of my son she they approved his house but said he couldnt sleep there at night .. However, I still have no idea what is going on. tell them the situation and they will help. My babes are losing strength and hope Cps workers shut me down when i respond to them asking me when they can come home. In most states, CPS records are confidential and won't be released to anyone not involved directly in the case without a court order. However, you may be able to access general, non-confidential information through a freedom of information request. [7] The new school was worse. Completed my programs and got custody back, continued testing and applying the drug patch. If policy and procedures werent followed look into civil rights violations. In Cheung, 906 F.2d at 61, the Second Circuit, in a federal civil rights case, observed: Although not so specified by Plaintiff, because she alleges claims of constitutional violations against CPS, the Court construes this action as being brought under 42 U.S.C. So wish me luck stage two The fights goes on .I love my daughter and she is suffering and she is sad and lonely .. Pray for us to find each other again . Therefore, the claim against CPS is also barred by the Eleventh Amendment. Personally I dont like drug tests and never have taken one but also, I dont use drugs or alcohol at all so thats not an issue for me and Ive never been asked to take one. This hurt my sweet girl and there was zero reason for it to be handled like this. WebA lawsuit won against child protection services 1-855-602-5557 heather-marie ext.102 Another Lawsuit Win,Victory for Pro-se Litigant suing New Jersey DYFS,Caseworker,DCPP I too have been abused by my worker and am now under investigation..she abused her power because she does not like my personality. The state could not even give an exact amount when McMillan inquired, thats how bad it is. Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 534 U.S. 506, 514 (2002). After that they were placed with their father for two years. Hosp. now my daughter is 9 and son is 8. my son is not growing and is a foot shorter than his sister. I would like to remind the CPS director of this case in 2000: 4 million settlement in LA for a brain damaged foster child too many CPS drugs ruined this child for life! In enacting 1983, Congress did not intend to override the traditional sovereign immunity of the states. He is two. Maybe someday the boy will be looking for his father and will find that page through Google! I am compliant w/ everything that DCFS has asked me to do. Most family law attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Friday, I received my service plan that I must complete, and I had already completed everything before I even got it except for the psychological evaluation. Our grandson is with a NRFM and is exhibiting signs of emotional distress from being away from his family. Theres more to life this is a beautiful place for learning and growing and finding out about new things. CX103). Then, I sued them and won! You must 1st be someone whos beyond blame/reproach, someone I could sell to a jury. I am a mother whos daughter is being held in CA against her will and has also been sexually assualted with her fathers knowledge his stepson was doing it and physically and mentally abused by her father. Plaintiff alleges that on March 8, 2010, a worker from CPS went to her daughter's high school and questioned her without an adult or parent present. I dont care about the money i just want my babies home with me. Court order visits I have so much recordings of email text audio of all the lies please help me please my children do not deserve this at 1 2v3 and 11 they are givibg up hope and are deteriorating constantly sick and dirty they were potty trained now they wear diapers they talked and are very advanced in all programs I had them participate in before cos got involved in my famlies life now the social workers says my 1 yr old is developmentally delayed because she refuses to talk to them and only cries my kids are very close to each other very close bonds and relationship they are always together but they have their own time and interest also they intentionally separated them saying they just wanted to always be with one another and that it shows they were not supervised and that in mentally unstable that my kids are to advanced and too smart and independent please help they say Im not taking psychiatric medication but havent been prescribed psychiatric medication they served me with a neglect warrant ssying I have no food shelter or clothing but we stayed in a family shelter Ive filed complaints a gov tort talked to ombudsmen person supervisors division mgs directors and no one is doing anything but telling me to be quiet and just wait these people are breaking the law fabricating reports and false allegations discrimination false imprisonment violating our civil rights commuting pujury conspiracy and so much more you have to help us please please ive document everthing recorded everything witnesses please someone please help I can prove everything, We are grandparents whos grandchildren were taken from our care ie foster care . soacial worker caught giveing false info to court aswell as myself telling me my son was taken by s s ,removed conflict of intrest she quit next day document perjury false info to court to influence favored parent social services told court she was not impartial and she was let go,but the year long damage is done have proof she was a 730 aswell as case worker and was exposed incourt trying to give false report basically tried to kidnap my son !!!!!! Consequently, the state-law claims will be dismissed without prejudice. Maria. Or go to AFRA for Febrary and find a link to story there under AFRA news. Of course, they did nothing! I got my kids taken away last year for testing positive for meth. People like me should not be able to exist in a free society. He says that many times even the social workers (line workers) are in the dark about what is happening. No eye contact,I keep getting run around. I have appeal ofcourse and my lifetime movie continues. Required fields are marked *. In the instant case, CPS is not a "person" acting under color of state law for 1983 purposes. Brittle bones disease. We told CFS the night everything would happen that my fianc would move out and they keep saying no you dont need to do that, you need him for support. Reach out to me if you want to share your story, I would love to let you know that you are not alone and what they did is truly criminal! (internal quotations omitted). Dawn, there was just a large settlement in California. Im in North Carolina but going through a nightmare. And now I am about to lose my son forever. hi lets call me the one who raised my 2nd cousin since she was born in 2007 and hve notorised paper giving me full custidy not knowing need legal custody duh, but in prosses of going to adopt at mother and fathers reqest well anyways shit happens cps takes her and a younger new born and older sisters for a stupid or mistake mom made.mind u this is 3/1/2 years later and im the only mommy she new no connection with biological parent just with me and my 10yer living sidnifacite other we re mommy and daddy we were vwery close loveing family good envierment for my baby and the cps didnt give a shit.everyone in court agreed she shouldve never removed from us but they do wat they want its know three years after they took her know background check 2 times they said one lil misterminer not exemtable but it is.shes know 6yrs old and wants to come home with her mommy and daddy we paid 5,000 and were gona hve to pay 2,500 appleaning exemtion denial next month and the mothers sister in oklahoma suposse to adotp the two oler girls been approved wat the hell can i do to stop this shit got a letter from a docter saying it would be in the childs best intrest if she was put back with us i dnt think that they doing wats best for her its all about money ples give me some information to hlp stop the move to oaklahoma state been fighting for them for three yrs streight not giving up thanks for this site verdict against cps. You can contact me at hope to hear from you. My Life has been nothing but heartbreak and disbelief, DCFS has destroyed my family. Not only did the city of Lodi pay but the County involved is on the hook , too. I live in Utah and lost 6 adopted children after my divorce through parental alienation and false allegations of abuse. 2008) Beltrans sued two caseworkers under 42 U.S.C. ' What are names of the groups in California that is pursuing CPS. its as drama filled saga of the my life now all over a girls jealousy over a guy. They have refused to place him with my family and my son remains in a Recieving Home in Sacramento. The fact that we all continue to fight for our babies is what keeps them in job. In 1996, My daughter and I were separated for 10 years by CPS. When she saw each of my kids, (2 werent even born at the time of the incident) she asked them if I touched them..allowed people to touch thembeat them and everythingcalled each of their schools & happily notified them it was an abuse allegation (conveniently forgetting to tell them who the abuser truely was). McMillan says this is a problem across the board in all agencies of government due to not enough oversight. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. 1986) (holding, in a 1983 action, that "under Fed.R.Civ.P. My friend was alone and taking care of his 6 year old son back in 1969 or 1970 when his wife abandonded him.She made off with a biker and chased some fantasy.One day, he left to go get milk. We expect the Jurys 4.9 million dollar verdict will cause the County of Orange and its Department of Social Services to implement procedures to prevent future abuses by County social workers and protect other families.. Sherrys teachings are unique and cutting edge to the family law industry developed by her and her husband. and a mom so disrupt at the fact that I wanted to better my life and with my therapist recommendation no contact put into affect, here I am today. Ive had my newborns ripped from my arms even though their doctors release them to me. All rights reserved, Civil Rights Attorney Wins Big Again Against CPS, Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show, California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan. Also, please remember a Dad just won a settlement based on DCFS negligent investigation for years which resulted in a young girl ( from age 4 on not being placed at all with any family members.). He did a great job, to be sure, but he wasnt the one taking the depositions, working up the case, bringing in the expert, taking the largest risk. Having dismissed all federal claims over which the Court has original jurisdiction, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over any remaining state-law claim that Plaintiff may be attempting to bring. They investigate our kids and parents even they received the bad tips. I am very proud to have played a part in this, and I am proud of Mr. McMillans great help with the trial, too. All of these agencies are funded by federal funding schemes. Plaintiff states that, "[s]chools are learning institutions not a place to interrogate and violate children's constitutional rights. We have prepared many of these for attorneys and for pro se litigants applying our constitutional arguments to their specific needs. San Diego Lawyer Shawn A. McMillan, of the Law Offices of Shawn A. McMillan, was trial counsel in the case. See Robinson v. Child Protective Servs., No. I hot my kids removed again because supposably two patches came back positive for meth. Please contact me. Please help me to understand. The Court will enter an Order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion. CPS workers should learn how much devastation they put families through. He says thats because They are getting enough money out of the system. Is there anyone that can help me or point me in the right direction he has not been home in almost 4 months and Im losing my mind kinship have approved me and my home. shall be signed by the [unrepresented] party."). I actually called CPS on them for what they did to my daughter one night! There are attorneys in CA who are willing to sue CPS and often they win their cases. In Orange County a mother has been awarded 4.9 million dollars in a case against CPS caseworkers and the Department of Social Services. I have not seen nor heard from her since then. Upon review, this Court must dismiss a case at any time if it determines that an action is frivolous or malicious, fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, or seeks monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief. Thanks God that Someone God Paid for what they have done to them. i wroute it all down so i would not forget what was said and who or why they did that I finished my case plan orders a year ago and in a month I will be having to sign away my rights. My 7 yr. old daughter was taken (detained)from school by SACRAMENTO CPS because of a bruise on her eye.The police report has her quoted saying she hit herself in the eye with a stick. 3. It was hell for me and they have never fully recovered even though the younger of the two is now 29. Therefore, Peterson, a non-attorney, cannot bring this action on behalf of her minor child without legal representation. Cps is bogus, unconstitutional, and is federally law, cps can do nothing without yr consent. I would love to speak with you and share my story as I have been targeted by CPS for three years now. He knows that social workers are viewed as doing Gods work so the automatic biases are strong and contribute to the reason that this racket has been able to exist for so long. Please avail yourself of these resources before seeking a consultation. and my kids didnt even know about my drug adtition. I am very happy for this familly best of wishes and I hope they send their child to college so they can become attorney and help others fight back. Money comes from federal government to the states therefore, the state-law claims will be looking for his and.! this is a beautiful place for learning and growing and finding out about things. @ CorruptCourts, http: // her since then said they would not it. For 10 years by CPS of her minor child without legal representation you be. The run around from them had my newborns ripped from my arms even though the younger the. 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