The bag contained masks and other gear he used while stealing drugs and cash from people he and his team targeted. Jenkins was given a 25-year prison sentence on June 7, 2018, which he is currently in the midst of serving at a federal prison in Kentucky. ', "If you've got to lie about what you've seen or what you heard or what you witnessed, as long as he's dirty, he's got the drugs and he's got the guns and he did the crimejust get him.". Once it left my shop they had reduced the punishment.. But the Baltimore states attorneys office continued to use Jenkins. Baltimore leaders have agreed to pay a $6 million settlement to the family of a driver who was killed during a 2010 police chase involving Gun Trace Task Force officers. In the bedroom, Jenkins says he and a veteran supervisor found a suitcase filled with tens of thousands of dollars in cash. Jenkins was hired by the Baltimore Police Department in 2003, according to state records obtained by The Baltimore Sun. I never heard back, and he didn't seem to be responding to anyone else, either. The line goes dead, and I feel like I've barely gotten anywhere. Some of his men also have acknowledged stealing well before they came together on the Gun Trace Task Force in 2016. But the suits triggered no internal punishment by the police department. I lived modest, we wasn't enriching ourselves," he answers. On an oddly balmy January night, Jenkins and Fries were working the McElderry Park neighborhood in East Baltimore when they noticed two brothers drinking Steel Reserve beers on the sidewalk outside their rowhouse. No one believed Oakley. In a 26 page letter hand written from his cell at the Federal Corrections institution in South Carolina, former Baltimore Police Sergeant Wayne Jenkins tells a judge that he saved a . Back then, Jenkins escaped scrutiny again. Wayne Jenkins, Baltimore's dirtiest cop, is sentenced: It still doesn't feel like justice Jenkins was supposed to get guns off the street in Baltimore but wound up running a vicious. Jenkins, meanwhile, was the best officer I had working under my command, Fries said. "It strikes at the foundation of our entire criminal justice system.". "I thought it was a winner.". His drill sergeant described him as having the utmost flawless character Ive seen in two decades of service. "This is not the man I know," she wrote. Meanwhile, his Twitter account is full of pictures of him on set, hamming it up with Bernthal and some of the other actors. He started counting the money, $20,000 in all. However, the focus on quantity rather than quality led Jenkins and the seven other GTTF officers to start planting evidence, take money from the homes they invaded, and even resell the drugs they seized back onto the streets. Others were raised by defense attorneys and their clients, who said an overzealous Jenkins skirted legal standards in making arrests. I never aimed nothing at him . Or harm you or even kill you.". Jerry Rodriguez, a career Los Angeles police officer who was a deputy commissioner in Baltimore from 2013 to 2015, said the department was resistant to change. Jenkins admitted that he stole drugs from work and delivered them to Stepp, who would turn around and sell them. Wayne Jenkins grew up in Middle River and is a graduate of Eastern Technical High School. ", Explaining the tactics of the GTTF, he also told the publication: "This is a saying we state: 'Don't let probable cause stand in the way of a good arrest. Wayne Jenkins a former Marine? All seven members were soon in handcuffs. I will continue to fight to prove my innocence.". I'm losing a lot of teeth, you know, they used to be nice and pretty.". Instead, while their cash and drugs were gone, the dealers were free men. Wayne Jenkins, Gun Trace Task Force officer, The woods of Powder Mill Park, where Det. When the phone rings, I put the call on speaker and hear a robotic, pre-recorded female voice: "You have a prepaid call. But Jenkins wanted to argue the details in his plea agreement, saying many of them weren't true. Attorneys in the integrity unit had approached another officer involved in the arrest, asking him pointed questions about whether Jenkins had lied about the drugs. The actions of former Baltimore police Sergeant Wayne Jenkins and his team of plain-clothed officers in the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF) are explored in We Own This City. Washington (AFP) - A police officer described as perhaps the most corrupt in the history of the Baltimore police department was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday. "My dad would be alive today would it not be for his actions that day. His eye socket was fractured. "Pills of heroin, bags of marijuana," he says. During his time on the streets of Baltimore Jenkins was involved in several arrests that resulted in the injuries of the people he took into custody. the dim light of the Baltimore Police Departments downtown nerve center, Sgt. He states flatly that Jenkins is lying to me. Jenkins, indignant, aggressively shot back at questions from OConnors attorney. That's because in June 2018, Jenkins was sentenced to 25 years in prison. "I swear, I wish I would have known before I ever put anyone in here I wish I would have known the other side," he says at one point. Over his tenure, he was. One officer held a nightstick across the drunken mans chest as Jenkins climbed on top of him and started swinging. The drop-offs included marijuana, cocaine and MDMA, all of which Stepp did his best to sell. Outside on the sidewalk, he saw a bunch of cops and yelled an expletive at one he knew who happened to be Jenkins supervisor. It was Jenkins, fresh off his heroics in West Baltimore. "What chance do we have when you have people like Jenkins and his co-defendants fabricating evidence?". But nothing more. "I ain't have a trial because the simple fact is I knew [the court] would believe them over top of me," he told the jury. Right away I learn that Jenkins is an incredibly fast talker. The BBC is not naming these three former supervisors, since none of them has been charged with a crime in connection with this case. Jenkins names two specific locations where he says the drugs get tossed: a train bridge near the Eastern District police station, and a wooded highway off-ramp on the way to the Northern District police station. During hia time in the department, Jenkins was involved in numerous arrests . From 2006 to 2009, Jenkins was the subject of at least four lawsuits alleging misconduct. Wayne Jenkins and his plainclothes colleagues operated in a world where success and misconduct were not mutually exclusive and sometimes seemed to go hand in hand. He names the veteran he says coached him into stealing for the first time. Jenkins pleaded guilty in January and admitted taking part in at least 10 robberies of Baltimore citizens, planting drugs on innocent people and re-selling drugs he stole from suspects on an. Jenkins was a member of the Baltimore police department's Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF), a plain-clothed unit tasked with finding guns and drugs in bulk in a bid to tackle the city's high murder. At that time, I didnt think they were officers, Simon said. We knew he wasn't the straight-and-narrow cop that all cops are supposed to be," he said. The GTTF was made up of eight officers, all but one of whom were indicted. I ask. When Jenkins was on paternity leave, commanders groused that his squads productivity dropped. He counters that the units helped bring down crime, and says he made it a point to scrutinize their conduct. Lets get this done, but were going to do it 100 percent. Nothing was 10 percent.. He says he couldn't risk it as a father with a young family. He started to worry. To single him out as a flawed individual in an otherwise perfectly functioning system is a way to avoid change in the police department, to shirk the responsibility of actually preventing this from happening again. "It's nothing I've ever imagined. A two-year federal investigation into the GTTF resulted in all eight officers, and one Philadelphia officer, getting charged with several offenses, including racketeering, in 2017. Then he said something that struck Ward as bizarre: He said he was going to take the marijuana to his home, and burn it all. Inside the police department, the Gun Trace Task Force was known for its success in capturing suspected drug dealers, their stashes and their illegal firearms. Yes, I did," he says. Jenkins said hed tried to be nice, but now they were going to jail. He claims that it was Stepp's idea to start selling drugs together, not the other way around. BALTIMORE The Baltimore City Board of Estimates paid out a $6 million settlement Wednesday to the family of a bystander who died during a police chase by the . It's going to take an almost unimaginable kind of effort to dig out the roots of corruption in the department, and it's much easier to just lock up the cops who get caught, and carry on with business as usual. The apartment complex had a camera in the parking lot. On June 13, 2016, Jenkins became the Officer in Charge of the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF,) a specialized unit within the Operational Investigation Division of the BPD. Jenkins is currently in prison. I never heard back from the Baltimore Police Department. It wasn't the first time I've heard that word to describe Jenkins. Stepp says Jenkins started bringing over shipments of drugs on an almost daily basis, putting them in a locked shed behind Stepp's house. OConnor, a house painter who missed weeks of work because of his injuries, sued Jenkins and put forward witnesses who backed his account: After OConnor yelled at Fries, officers had pulled him to the ground, and Jenkins walloped him. Some tried to complain, but were ignored. After outlining this, Ward said, Jenkins reconsidered. She described how the unnamed officer talked about Jenkins: Hes probably the best drug detective in the city. Some drug dealers told their lawyers that Jenkins made stuff up to arrest them and had kept a good chunk of their money and drugs before taking them in. The two said Jenkins had found drugs in the ceiling of a mans vehicle. One of the most shocking incidents from the plea agreement is an event that Jenkins now unequivocally denies. It's no wonder people come out meaner than when they come in.". The indictment of Jenkins and six of his gun task force officers on federal racketeering charges rocked Baltimore when the announcement came in March 2017. The ringleader, former Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, admitted committing multiple armed robberies and stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in drugs. The unit began looking into a case involving Jenkins, in which he had run down a young man with his unmarked Dodge Avenger early in 2014. "I deserve to be punished. BALTIMORE One of the main players in the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force corruption scandal is asking for compassionate release from prison. "It ain't over. But he says he was also struggling with a gambling addiction and dealing large amounts of cocaine. These officers often operate with a great deal of independence. Jenkins entered a department steeped in zero tolerance a war on crime fueled by arrests for even minor infractions. To learn more about their behavior, The Sun obtained several thousand pages of court records, dozens of body camera videos and hundreds of police department emails and restricted internal files. Jenkins was stationed in North Carolina but often made the long trip back home to Middle River. The spouse of the third left a message telling me I could take what Jenkins told me and "stuff it". Many plainclothes units would work out of a satellite office inside a trailer in Northwest Baltimore. I was a hero," Jenkins says of his activity during the unrest. Sneed was chased and caught, and his jaw was broken in the process. But Internal Affairs was still working on the case that the States Attorneys Office had decided it could not pursue: the suspicion that Jenkins might have planted drugs in a car to justify an arrest. He also names two former supervisors who he says he complained to about his former subordinate officers, Momodu Gondo and Jemell Rayam, saying they had bad reputations for stealing money. Any attempts to make the force become less of a warrior and more of a guardian was looked at terribly, he said. De Sousa handled the discipline, and they had worked a deal, Hill said, according to a transcript of the interview. FOX45 looks at the 8 former officers of the Gun Trace Task ForceThe ring leader of the squad Wayne Jenkins is currently serving the longest sentence out of the members federally indicted on . Wayne Jenkins is a former BPD Sergeant who served as the leader of the Gun Trace Task Force. Baltimore detectives convicted in shocking corruption trial Stepp grew up in Middle River, where he was friends with Jenkins's older brother. Ignoring warning signs of misconduct, Baltimore Police praised and promoted Gun Trace Task Force leader. Jenkins says that the veteran goaded him into taking money. All of the other officers would have to be inaccurate in their testimony if it is to be believed that Detective Jenkins was manufacturing information for the affidavit, she said. Jenkins' lawyer mentioned that he has been assaulted at least once by another inmate who was targeting him for being a former police officer. He walked into the court wearing a maroon prison uniform. Even though we've known for weeks that Wayne Jenkins (Jon Bernthal), Daniel Hersl (Josh Charles), Jemell Rayam (Darrell Britt-Gibson) and the rest of Baltimore's Gun Trace Task Force were . BALTIMORE (AP) Baltimore leaders agreed Wednesday to pay a $6 million settlement to the family of a driver who was killed during a 2010 police chase . Read about our approach to external linking. Jenkins signed a plea agreement in 2017 that detailed seven robberies that he participated in along with other members of the unit, as well as his drug dealing partnership with Donald Stepp, the former bail bondsman and cocaine dealer who testified at trial. At OConnors trial, Fries remarked that the others were worthless and didnt meet the standards of the organized crime unit. Wayne Jenkins, who led the Gun Trace Task Force, was sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges including racketeering, robbery and falsifying records. But Whiting is not so optimistic. "He's never been a true friend," Stepp says. Although the indicted officers committed many robberies individually before joining the Gun Trace Task Force, prosecutors charge that they grew bolder and more prolific after Jenkins took over the unit in June 2016. He was serving his sentence at the Edgefield Federal Correctional Facility in South Carolina until 2020. What Detective Wayne Jenkins wrote in his affidavit for the search warrant was a complete fabrication, Oakley said. They wanted to tell me that Jenkins was a dedicated father, a good football coach. The longest sentence was handed down to Jenkins: 25 years. But Stepp had an ace up his sleeve - for months, he'd been documenting their crimes on his cell phone. Sergeant Wayne. "I'm so sorry to the citizens of Baltimore.". In Jenkins' plea, it says that "in April 2015 following the riots after the death of Freddie Gray, Jenkins brought DS prescription medicines that he had stolen from someone looting a pharmacy so that DS could sell the medications". They ordered us to f--- them up; we f---ed them up, one of the responding officers, Robert Cirello, now retired, said later in an interview with The Sun. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. In January 2018, a long list of victims took the stand - many of whom had ties to the drug trade - and told harrowing stories of how they were robbed by the officers during car stops and searches of their homes. The topic: Can we get Wayne Jenkins? Jenkins joined Baltimore's police department in 2003, first becoming a beat cop and patrolling the streets of Baltimore. Credit: U.S. Attorney's Office. Jenkins earned praise outside the department, too. If I could take everything back in my life, I would have been a prosecutor," he says. Former Baltimore Police Sgt. Prosecutors pointed to the fact that Jenkins fabricated evidence, like producing a bogus iPhone video of his officers cracking a drug dealer's safe, when they had in fact already broken into it and stolen $200,000 in cash. Theres been plenty of times where the suspect has said, The drugs are in the car, and I go and I cant find them. You tried catching me all day, and you cant, because Im telling the truth, Jenkins told the lawyer. He calls Stepp "the biggest exaggerator I've ever met in my life". I did give drugs to Donny for the last couple of years I was police, but I didn't take people's money because then they would know you were dirty. Then, in November 2017, he was given further charges of destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations, and deprivation of rights under color of law. . In September 2021, Jenkins spoke with BBC journalist. In December 2017, eight months after Jenkins was arrested, the FBI and Baltimore County officers broke down Stepp's door and arrested him in his kitchen. Then 34, he was already an admired leader of aggressive street squads and would go on to head the elite Gun Trace Task Force, one of the Baltimore Police Departments go-to assets in the fight against violent crime. Prior to this, they'd been lauded as some of the best gun cops in the city - seizing dozens of illegal firearms every month, and demonstrating a "a work ethic that is beyond reproach", in the words of one supervisor. His earliest admitted theft was in 2011. He and other officers had raided a car wash, recovering more than a kilogram of drugs and $4,000 from a hidden desk compartment which could be opened only using magnets within a fish tank. "I knew the things we were doing were wrong," he said. When Jenkins called him to a house the GTTF was investigating, Stepp took pictures of the officers going in and out. "I have no respect for him.". Plainclothes officers must constantly be checked by leadership, Barksdale said, with commanders inquiring about irregularities in their work and excessive overtime pay. He is working on a book about the Gun Trace Task Force, to be published by Random House. They are not typically tethered to specific posts, or burdened by responding to 911 calls. Stepp and Jenkins' history runs deep. Some of the most upsetting conversations I had were with people who felt victimised twice -- by both the officers and by the criminals. Hours later, in a quiet waterfront neighborhood 15 miles east of downtown, a drug-dealing bail bondsman was roused from his sleep. HBO asked Stepp to be a consultant on the project, which he enthusiastically agreed to do. "I'm wrong, God knows I'm wrong," the 37-year-old said. "He drew first blood," Stepp says of Jenkins. This partnership lasted for five years. Yes. In an interview from prison, he said it wasnt uncommon for the officers to take contraband and submit it to evidence control without arresting someone. Jenkins joined Baltimore's police department in 2003, first becoming a beat cop and patrolling the streets of Baltimore. Reflecting on the revelations of his misconduct, Lt. Marjorie German concluded that department leaders gave Jenkins too much leeway because they were enamored of his results. Oh, yeah. But I think he also spoke to me because he doesn't like the image of himself that's been in the media - as a sociopath, as someone almost inhumanly evil. "I still maintain my innocence. Such questions over integrity have in the past prompted prosecutors to stop calling an officer as a witness, forcing the departments hand to take him off the streets. And that is what they want, German said, according to an Internal Affairs report. Someone once told me that it will take a generation for the direct impact of the Gun Trace Task Force to start to fade, and it will be impossible to measure how the victims' trauma will play out in the lives of their children, families and friends. I have to try to untangle his answers as he moves from subject to subject, sometimes so fast I can't keep up. They drive unmarked vehicles. The bondsman would take care of selling them, then split the profits with the police sergeant. His punches came fast Jenkins was a trained boxer and OConnor soon felt the warmth of blood spilling down his cheek. Then they could enter the house and take the money, only later calling county officers to say they were executing the warrant. What was Jenkins really going to do with the drugs? When his case went to trial on January 5, 2018 Jenkins pled guilty to one count of racketeering, two counts of robbery, one count of destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in a federal investigation, and four counts of deprivation of rights under color of law. What if one of the men who was robbed turned out to be a federal informant? Stepp testified that the arrangement was so lucrative, he stuck with it for years before getting arrested himself in December 2017. "Immediately, we get together and you go over your story. As backup arrived, Jenkins spotted a man named George Sneed across the street. "Absolutely. My hope - maybe a naive one - was that hearing one of these men speak candidly about how he crossed over to the dark side would help the public better understand the casual, day-to-day corruption that can happen in policing. He and six members of that unit now sit in federal prison for crimes including conspiracy, racketeering and robbery, all committed under the guise of legitimate police work. "Hi, ma'am," Jenkins says when I pick up. Wayne Jenkins Image Credit: Baltimore Police Department/Associated Press. While Jenkins most serious crimes the drug dealing, the robberies appear to have been well hidden, it is not surprising they flourished within Baltimores permissive plainclothes culture. Jenkins gave 150 percent on the street. Please sign up today and help make a difference. For the most part, these defendants decided it wasnt in their interest to tell government authorities that. Wayne Jenkins from Baltimore was sentenced to 25-years-in-prison. "If you've got to lie about what you've seen or what you heard or what you witnessed, as long as he's dirty, he's got the drugs and he's got the guns and he did the crime - just get him.". Baltimore leaders have agreed to pay a $6 million settlement to the family of a driver who was killed during a 2010 police chase involving Gun Trace Task Force officers. Claiming to be a DEA agent, Jenkins then confiscated the drugs and money but did not arrest the dealers. He's due to be released in 2038. Hed grown up in the working class suburb, where his father worked two jobs, including at Bethlehem Steel. In the years since his arrest, he'd never given a public interview. But in less than a year, Sergeant Jenkins was put in charge of the new plainclothes squad in West Baltimore. I have no idea what he wants to say, or why after four years, he's breaking his silence. But overall, plaintiffs prevailed in at least three lawsuits accusing Jenkins of beatings or other misconduct from 2006 to 2009, resulting in $90,000 in taxpayer payouts. Wayne Jenkins. As Jenkins is telling me this, he is naming names. The officers with him hesitated, Ward said. He had been stationed in North Carolina and would frequently make trips home to visit his family and his high school sweetheart Kristy, the . In federal court, Mickey Oakley argued that the officers who arrested him including Jenkins and future Gun Trace Task Force member Daniel Hersl had lied about the circumstances leading up to the arrest and had illegally searched his home. Jenkins and members of his squad were praised for their work getting guns off the streets in an October 2016 police department newsletter. Jenkins tells me he traded some sausages with other inmates in the line, bartering his way to the front. Maurice Ward, a former detective now serving a seven-year prison term for committing crimes with Jenkins, said he and other officers jockeyed to get on his team. At that time, it was within De Sousas purview as the deputy commissioner in charge of administrative matters to intervene to resolve a discipline case, according to another former deputy commissioner, Jason Johnson. There's no telling how many other people were affected, but were too afraid to come forward. In January, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh fired her police commissioner and replaced him with former Deputy Commissioner Darryl De Sousa, who promised sweeping reforms to the department. Not long after Stepp flipped on his former friend, Jenkins pled guilty. I'm staring at my cell phone in the dark. Ex-police sergeant Wayne Earl Jenkins apologized in the courtroom for the crimes he committed at the same time as he was head of an elite squad referred to as the Gun Trace Task . He's opening a consulting service called Stepp Right Consultants, to give guidance and insight to men and women who are about to enter the federal penal system. Jenkins did not testify at the trial, but in a way, he was the star of the entire proceeding. He said he started dealing drugs at age 9, selling. Wayne Jenkins, ex-police sergeant, leading the Gun Trace Task Force Sergeant Wayne Jenkins was a decorated leader of the corrupt plain-clothes police unit in Baltimore whose detectives robbed . But I did call them, and the Baltimore Police Department, to see if anyone would respond to this laundry list of allegations. He also acknowledged stealing the man's $4,000 (2,956) watch, which he gave to Stepp to sell. Taxpayers footed the bill. It was a red flag. But, he added, I think that if I am held responsible for my actions, then the same should be with the officers for their wrongdoing.. Many Baltimore residents had long distrusted the police, and more so after the death of Freddie Gray. "Seen it done, honest to god, 500 times.". Jenkins, who is serving a 25-year sentence in a federal prison in South Carolina, declined to speak with The Sun. You guys willing to go kick in the dudes door and take the money? Jenkins said. They direct their work, approve overtime pay and provide reports to higher-ranking supervisors. Hill could not be reached by The Sun for comment. The same video led to a rare police department disciplinary case against Jenkins, who was internally charged with misconduct in 2015, according to a copy of the case file reviewed by The Sun. The courtroom was also packed with Jenkins' family and friends. 2023 BBC. You're taught that - the second someone gets in trouble we meet up, and we talk face to face," he says. He told the other officers to leave their cell phones and police vests in the car. But there was just enough room for doubt Sneed had been off camera briefly that Jenkins could argue the video didnt show the full story. It was surreal hearing his voice, talking to me. But it's the big man upstairs," he says. The bottles were winged at us. But the scope and breadth of these allegations were staggering. This is his senior portrait from 1998. "I'm so sorry for what you're going through. She said she found Hersl in particular to be very credible.. Updated: Mar 1, 2023 / 02:16 PM EST. Of all seven men, the last person I thought would ever agree to an interview was Jenkins, the fallen "golden boy" of the Baltimore Police Department. Maurice Ward says he, Sgt. He reviewed hours of body camera footage from their arrests, watched tapes of their courtroom appearances, reviewed several thousand pages of documents, including internal police department files, and interviewed dozens of people including two of the convicted officers, some of the gun unit's victims, other current and former Baltimore police officers and commanders, defense attorneys and prosecutors. He resigned and the top spot at the Baltimore Police Department remains vacant. He says Stepp pressured him into it. He. I just knew it was a lie, Ward recalls. Last month, Mr De Sousa was indicted for failure to pay his taxes by the same prosecutors who brought the GTTF case. Then 34, he was already an admired leader of aggressive street squads and would go on to head the elite Gun Trace Task Force, one of the Baltimore Police Department's go-to assets in the fight against violent crime. He claims that he was told early on to lie on police reports and warrant applications in order to make their arrests sound like they were done with proper probable cause, meaning a legal reason to stop someone. 2023 BBC. If Wayne Jenkins asked you to come work for him, you felt honored, Ward said. It didn't take long before Stepp began to suspect that Jenkins ratted him out. Both men have requested new trials. There is no love lost between these two former friends. The outfit change is designed to allow them to blend in. In court, Ward apologised to the victims, to his family and to the Baltimore Police Department, as well as to his co-defendants. 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