Dean's Office. Ninah T. Pretto. In the spirit of reconciliation the AFL acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. To this end, each week we will (1) read philosophical material focused on one principle or concept, and (2) consider in detail one bioethics case in which the principle or concept has special application or relevance. Must they inhere in substances? In this course we address key themes and figures from two of the most influential movements in twentieth century European philosophy, namely, existentialism and phenomenology, a philosophical approach to which existentialism is indebted. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. Thus, the concept of person plays a significant role in most branches of philosophy, e.g. Some challenges we face are broad and about the future, though perhaps not the far future. After several weeks on the Republic we will turn to Shakespeare's last play: The Tempest. What is the nature of audience's response to film? Swift, Jonathan. The second portion of the course will use feminist philosophy to inform our understanding of the ways in which gender structures the individual's interactions with the health care system. Questions about persons are of central importance for a myriad of our theories and practices, and for the ways in which we live our lives. It is, in fact, quite difficult to get through any course of study in the liberal arts without some familiarity with Plato. Understood in this way, critical theory is identified closely with the intellectual tradition of the Frankfurt School. We ordinarily claim that sentences are true or false, but are there other entities whose truth and falsity explains the truth and falsity of sentences? Could we (individually and socially) educate and cultivate them? B. Lipscomb before the first meeting, preferably over the summer. Some understand its aim to be to answer normative questions about the nature of truth, justice, goodness and rationality. We will begin by reading some of Plato's early dialogues and his, probing and intimate reflections on the meaning of human life, the nature of God and mind, time and eternity, will and world, good and evil, love and sexuality have challenged every generation since Augustine's own. In this course we'll examine several influential attempts to provide a rational foundation for morality, along with Nietzsche's wholesale rejection of these efforts. Consequently, many philosophers deeply influenced by pragmatism do not recognize the fact, while, on the other hand, some self-proclaimed pragmatists of our days can hardly be seen as continuing the tradition to which they pledge allegiance. In this way, we develop a rich array of analytical tools and observational practices to further our understanding of the mind. In this course we will examine traditional philosophical approaches to understanding death and related concepts, with a special focus on the ethical concerns surrounding death and care for the dying. In this course, we will examine some central texts in ancient Greek and Roman moral philosophy. Wittgenstein's two masterpieces, the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and the Philosophical Investigations, stand like opposing poles around which schools of twentieth-century analytic philosophy revolve. influences? We will continue with J. S. Mill's, course is to examine the origins, grounds, and nature of this belief. We will read works by three of Socrates' contemporaries: Aristophanes, Xenophon, and especially Plato. What are emotions, and how should we think about them? Do particular case histories offer good explanations of psychopathology? Frederick Rudolph, Williams College 1793-1993: Three Eras, Three Cultures, Michael S . In fact, it seems like you can't change a heap of sand into something that isn't a heap of sand by removing one grain of sand. Does freedom require leading (or avoiding) a political life? Death Date Jul 3, 2015: Birth Sign: Pisces: Phil Walsh Height, Body Info. This tutorial aims to provide students with the skills necessary for careful, serious and thorough reading of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. How do our thoughts refer to objects? Last offered Fall 2017 . Some of the questions we will ask are: What is the nature of filmic representation? Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. These latter writings of Kant's had a tremendous influence on the development of subsequent moral philosophy and indeed set the stage for contemporary discussions of the nature of practical reason, motivation, freedom, and morality. What if they are more fair? Students should be aware that, in the classic tradition, this class resembles a logic course. [more], Why are you here? Further, even where there is agreement as to the proper way of answering epistemological questions, there is a stunning variety of possible answers to each question. Finally, we will analyze the current debate about cognitive credentials of science and about proper approaches to the study of science, which came to be known as "the science wars.". Does freedom require leading (or avoiding) a political life? God bless you! microscopes of reason and logic can carry us in traditional arguments about the existence and nature of God. The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. He was born on March 15, 1960 and his birthplace is Australia. In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. How do we create legal and policy frameworks that cover a new kind of thinking being? In this course, we will examine some central texts in ancient Greek and Roman moral philosophy. It will be very helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for you to have some familiarity with logic and some experience in reading philosophy. scientific theories. What if they are more fair? A deranged young man who stabbed his AFL coach father to death during a psychotic episode will be allowed to leave a mental asylum after just six years.. Phil Walsh, 55, was head coach of the . In this course, we will spend the first third of the semester attempting to understand the metaphysics and epistemology in Plato's middle dialogues. Pascal's wager is a different approach: it argues that even though proof of the existence of God is unavailable, you will maximize your expected utility be believing. What are some of the necessary conditions for democracy? We will read some representative works from each of these schools of thought to see how each approaches Socrates. Hopkins Hall. Ms. Sydney Walsh-Wilcox '83 P'23 (Sibling) Ms. Jenny Walsh Singer '99 (Sibling) . classics of western literature, and his views on ethics and politics continue to occupy a central place in our discussions 2400 years after they were written. Cy Walsh has asked a court to allow him to be released back into the community unsupervised, six years after stabbing his AFL coach father to death in a frenzied attack.. Phil Walsh, 55, was head . They help us ask: What is freedom? What if they are biased, unbeknownst to us? [more], Bertrand Russell claimed that Ludwig Wittgenstein was "perhaps the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived--passionate, profound, intense, and dominating." Initial tutorial meetings will focus on theoretical materials that will background later discussions and will include classic readings from the environmental ethics literature (e.g., Leopold, Taylor, Rolston). this class, we will attempt to carry on the noble tradition of corruption by philosophy. Attention to the writing process and developing an authorial voice will be a recurrent focus of our work inside and outside the classroom. "He was just like the rest of us," said Watt to give the first personal reflection of Walsh since his death has brought tributes focused on his football achievements in 122 VFL-AFL games with . What are emotions, and how should we think about them? [more], Much like the construction of medical knowledge itself, it is from specific cases that general principles of biomedical ethics arise and are systematized into a theoretical framework, and it is to cases they must return, if they are to be both useful and comprehensible to those making decisions within the biomedical context. So, some relationships with other people--such as friendships, familial ties, love, patriotism--seem to be ethically desirable, central to the quality of our lives, and yet prima facie in tension with the widely held belief that morality requires impartiality and equal treatment of all human beings. What is the mind? We will look at relativism with respect to reason and truth in general as well as with respect to science, religion, and morality. Now, ask yourself: who shaves the barber? This course is an advanced seminar devoted to a comprehensive examination of Fanon's political thought. In this course we will seek to comprehend the dimensions in which Existentialism is a distinctive intellectual tradition. Or can meaning be allocated only to entire sets of beliefs? The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. that future is nothing short of an existential threat to human beings. [more], It is a generally held belief, in our time and culture, that science is the best source of our knowledge of the world, and of ourselves. At least, let's assume that you are for the sake of argument. To notify Williams of alumni deaths, please email, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement. How could proponents of each be claiming to follow in the footsteps of Socrates? The order in which you say things matters, and it matters for what you communicate what actions you take and what events happen around you. One possible answer which we will examine is that, while many philosophers recognize that there are intimate connections between what we believe, feel and do, philosophical argumentation by its very nature appeals to belief alone; narrative art, by contrast, can simultaneously engage our reason, emotions, imagination and will, thus resulting not only in deepening our understanding, but also in transformation of the self. Phil is based out of Greater Seattle Area and works in the Real Estate industry. [more], Justice is a notoriously complex and elusive philosophical concept, the conditions of which are even more difficult to articulate within real world institutions and contexts than in the abstract. While you're debating whether to take this class, consider the following puzzle. Who are the people, anyway? For example, we commonly attribute to Plato a theory of the Forms on the basis of his claims in the so-called "middle dialogues" (mainly Republic, Phaedo, and Symposium). as resources to be harvested, as testing grounds for science, and as religious sacrifice. We begin by examining some of the central concepts of Buddhist psychology, its treatment of the mind as a selfless stream of consciousness, its examination of the variety of mental factors and its accounts of the relation between cognition and affects. Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. Cy Jacob Walsh, 26, entered no plea after being charged with murdering his father in a killing that has stunned Australia's sporting community. [more], It'd be perfectly natural to say "I might've left the stove on", then check the stove, then say "I didn't leave the stove on". Rorty challenged the very concept of morality and questioned all moral theory. While looking at film as art, as document, as experiment and as entertainment, we will always keep in sight specific theoretical assumptions that underlie different understandings of film, and different critical approaches to the medium. [more], Plato is one of the most important and influential thinkers in the history of the western tradition. Must they inhere in substances? Some critics find predictive failures of economists unsurprising, given the frequent reliance of the latter on assumptions known to be false (e.g., that economic agents are always selfish, have perfect information, and never make mistakes) and on models that unavoidably ignore potentially relevant factors. Each questioned the emancipatory effect of reason and freedom as well as idealist accounts of moral progress in human history. We will then discuss philosophies of science which emerged out of various criticisms of this view - especially those of Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn and Feyerabend - and the challenges to the assumptions of scientific objectivity and rationality their works provoked. Among other things, these critics challenged Rawls' interpretation and defense of the social contract framework, the ideals of freedom and equality, the content of principles of justice, political neutrality about the good, the nature of the self, the division between public and private spheres, and the distinction between ideal and non-ideal theory. Using resources from philosophy and linguistics, we will study various ways in which literal and non-literal uses of language influence our social lives. The millennia old problem of whether human suffering is compatible with God's perfection is called "the problem of evil." Supt Bray said the domestic incident was a tragedy. What form of government best serves the people? We will also try to get more precise in our understanding of some of the key concepts in logic, such as contradiction, consistency, logical consequence, syntax and semantics. Black Marxism: Political Theory and Anti-Colonialism, What Philosophy Is: It's Methods, Aims and Values. How can it be known and pursued? Are happiness and pleasure the same thing? In the last century New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani attempted to shut down the Brooklyn Museum "Sensations" exhibit because he claimed it offended Christians, and the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center was prosecuted for exhibiting allegedly obscene photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe. Is a sentence's relation to previously uttered sentences similar to its relation to extra-linguistic events? There two ways to understand "Many students took every class". In discussions and writing, we will explore the diverse visions of modernity and of politics offered by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, and Freud. The aim of this course is to examine the origins, grounds, and nature of this belief. We will concentrate both on making precise the philosophical problem of consciousness and on understanding the role of the relevant neuroscientific and cognitive research. A person incapable of loyalty is often characterized as fickle, cold, self-serving and sometimes even pathological. In this tutorial we address some (certainly only some) of the current debates in critical and ethical theory that have been fueled by Nietzsche's work. Key ideas and concepts such as the death of god, the use and abuse of history, the eternal recurrence, will to power, and master and slave morality will be addressed. "Near-Death Experiences." In How to Think About Weird Things. What are space and time? We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. Or might it be that our skepticism and relativism are the result of our own laziness and failure? Does morality require that we always subordinate our personal relationships to universal principles? But we also question the value of these tools based on first person approaches by relating them to the third person studies of the mind. It will be very helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for you to have some familiarity with logic and some experience in reading philosophy. Some critical theorists within the Frankfurt School tradition draw from upon ideas about the constitution of the subject developed in the early 19th century German philosophy of Hegel. As the music wails in the background, we will study the classic pragmatists: William James, C. S. Peirce, and John Dewey. Is democratic rule always best? Your email address will not be published. What should be done about offensive art? How should we think about the boundaries and methods of theorizing about film? The seminar will fall into two unequal parts. And right now there are autonomous vehicles deciding how to behave in traffic, and autonomous weapons capable of delivering lethal force. In this tutorial we will read from Ancient, modern and contemporary philosophical sources as well several relevant studies in the social sciences and positive psychology movement in order to engage questions concerning happiness. Persons are subjects of experiences, have thoughts and feelings, motivation and agency; a person is thought of as continuous over time, and as related to, recognized and respected by other persons. With few exceptions, thoroughgoing skepticism and relativism have not been the prevailing views of the greatest minds in the history of philosophy. The AFL abandoned the Crows' game against Geelong on Sunday, the club called the tragedy an unprecedented crisis and a family has been torn apart. In this class, we will attempt to carry on the noble tradition of corruption by philosophy. We'll examine these and related questions through historical and contemporary readings. Is a sentence's relation to previously uttered sentences similar to its relation to extra-linguistic events? [more], How are individual and social subjects formed, and how do they connect to questions of race? Is film a creation of a single artist - the director, the author - or is it a result of a loosely synchronized and not quite coherent collaboration of many different people, each guided by her or his particular vision? The Wittgenstein of the Tractatus is known as the "earlier Wittgenstein," the Wittgenstein of the Investigations is known as the "later Wittgenstein." Our tools in this course will be logic and reason, even when we are trying to determine what the limits of reason might be. Some of them explicitly engage meta-philosophical debates; others exemplify particular philosophical styles and methods. Understanding later Wittgenstein is thus vital for engaging in contemporary philosophy, but neither the interpretation nor the evaluation of his thought is straightforward or easy. We turn first to two of Plato's most famous dialogues,The Apology and,The Republic. Nevertheless, comparatively few people realize that the views we commonly think of as "Platonic" represent only one strand in Plato's thought. . To do this, we will need to become familiar with key ethical theories; think deeply about such concepts as privacy, paternalism and autonomy, exploitation, cost-benefit analysis and justice; and compare the function of these concepts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic with the way they work in responses to other public health concerns. What, you may ask, is the philosophy of logic? The reason for this is that there are two underlying structures that the original sentence can realize. In this tutorial, we will focus on questions concerning their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and psychoanalysis. Are we capable of disinterested altruism, or are we motivated solely by self-interest? This course introduces philosophy students to these and related questions through a parallel reading that brings together 19th century German philosopher Hegel and a tradition of Africana philosophy running through Douglas, Du Bois, Fanon, Gilroy, Hartman and Wynter. And, Existentialists express their thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works. [more], Our focus in this class is going to be on the nature of causation. [more], This course will explore the themes of alienation, fetishism, ideology, dialectic, sociality, and freedom in the philosophical writings of G.W.F. Log in, register or subscribe to save articles for later. Are we justified in believing in God? Background readings include sources rooted in traditional modes of bioethical analysis as well as those incorporating feminist approaches. the Enlightenment . [more], The seminar involves a critical engagement with key Africana political leaders, theorists and liberationists. [more], The Williams College Mission statement says that "free inquiry requires open-mindedness, and commitment to community draws on concern for others". Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. Is rationality relative to cultural norms? The philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were among the first thinkers to develop rigorous arguments in response to such musings. Understanding later Wittgenstein is thus vital for engaging in contemporary philosophy, but neither the interpretation nor the evaluation of his thought is straightforward or easy. [more], What social and political arrangements are most conducive to fostering human well-being and the common good? The AFL is in shock after Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh was stabbed to death at his home, with his 26-year-old son arrested and charged with murder. We will examine several different approaches in depth, including realism, constructivism, expressivism, and skepticism. Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? Along the way, we will need to come to grips with the following surprising fact. What are space and time? We will read Adam Smith and Karl Marx on capitalism, Simone de Beauvoir on gender, and Charles Mills on race. We will discuss major works (philosophical, literary, visual) by such figures as Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Richard Wright, Ingmar Bergman and Jean-Luc Godard. According to one, there is a single group of students that had their hands extremely full this semester. They help us ask: What is freedom? If so, freedom may seem impossible since we're all deeply influenced by factors ranging from the general laws of nature to specific features of our genetic endowment and social environment (including religion, political ideology, and advertising). action, ethics and moral psychology. Readings will be drawn from recent work in the Frankfurt School and poststructuralist traditions of critical theory as well as anti-racist, anti-colonial, feminist and queer theories that draw upon them. In some weeks, students will be asked to choose from a small set which case they would like to address; in others the case will be assigned. Topics will range from consideration of "mundane" technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), prenatal genetic screening and testing, and surrogacy, to the more extraordinary, possibly including pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), post-menopausal reproduction, and post-mortem gamete procurement. Williams relatives. [more], What gives an individual life meaning? Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? What are other models for understanding moral objectivity? We will prove soundness and completeness, compactness, the Lowenheim-Skolem theorems, undecidability and other important results about first-order logic. Are there things that cannot be put into words? We will discuss the importance of specific genre conventions and broader contextual matters to the interpretation of literary texts (along the lines suggested by Quentin Skinner); the possibility of using intention to rule out mistaken and arrive at acceptable interpretations, if not a single correct interpretation (a possibility denied by such relativists as Stanley Fish); the use and meaning of metaphors; and the host of questions surrounding the intentional fallacy (the alleged result of invoking authorial intention to determine textual meaning). 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