You can get to the Grove of Kleos by going north from this region, fast travel to Gaia's soul and head straight north. Now once in here scan the area for 4 chests they don't show up in objectives so be careful while in here, you miss a chest here you miss it for good. Equip Skin of Pride and Mane of Pride. Odysseus challenges are simple in that all you need to do is fire and guide an Apollo's arrow through several hoops and then light a pyre at the end, the only problem is that you are likely to run out of stamina before you even finish, to that end i recommend having a lot stamina mushrooms at the ready and quick save before your attempt, however if you do not want to waste them you can come back later in the game as well. The axe lets you cut down trees, which will get you golden amber (you can tell which ones have them based on the glowing yellow stumps). You can find in game hints at each one's locations in the form of a map. More on all that when you can actually use them. Aphrodite's Beauty Chair will let you change Fenyx's appearance whenever and however you want. Just use the usual tactics. At the next terminal activate it an a wooden box will appear above the ledge near you, you cannot climb this ledge, so use L1 and Triangle to grab the box and place it below the ledge, jump on it and then use double jump to get up there. Unlike normal hecatonchires it has several new moves. The first seed can be destroyed using the flame pyre to your left and the second from the pyre on the north east. For A New God it was a vault that you accessed from Clashing Rocks, for Myths of the Eastern Realm it was some cloud platforming, and The Lost Gods is this weather vault. Once you arrive on these small islands, make your way to a chest (near some chicken enemies). The last path is not much of a puzzle. Suffice to say your fighting a giant Cyclops, but it isn't a major threat and in fact you can beat it easily without even trying. The next puzzle is more of the same almost. There are 4 targets in total, you will find a lever near where the chest is (behind a barrier). After the scenes you will now have to fight the same Lieutenant Griffon from before. I will cover them in the guide individually at a later time. Frankly its a weaker version of Pyrakmon. You will likely use Axe throughout, be sure to use good armor and DO NOT lock on if there are many enemies. Here you can use the various facilities in conjunction with all the resources you have been gathering to make Fenyx stronger. Overall they aren't a significant threat, use the Axe with R2 to deal with the shields and build up their stun gauges to stun them by landing attacks. Just use your stamina potion for the first jump.. the rest is super easy I took the left path. You can do this by hitting the strings on the large Lyre with any weapon, i recommend arrows due to accuracy, you need to do it right quickly, you will know you did it right when the pattern replays itself after you do and a warp will open giving you your reward. Immortals Fenyx Rising - Must Have Early Unlocks You Don't Want To Miss! This quest is unlocked by finding al 4 Nike fragments (Other 3 are in other regions) and then going to the marked location in this region. Product Information. You see the Planetarium above climb on up there for the 1st of these two epic chests, inside is Valor of Soldier Breastplate. This activates the vents use them to glide to the next part. Use Aries wrath for stunning and then beat it up. Shoot an Apollo arrow through a pyre, into three moving hoops and then light a pyre, to unlock the chest. Now after the scenes collect the chests and head back to the hall of the gods and put an end to these chicken puns. Now keep moving onwards till you arrive at yet another lever. Now continue forward through the opened path and you will be brought to where the fork converges again. Now go back to the final slot, there is a pedestal here stand on it and then use Apollo's arrows to shoot through a pyre in front of you at the seed. The chest has 2 Charon coins. You will find her on a small island in this shallow lake, approach her and watch the scenes. Hit it and it will go flying, when it stops shoot it with an apollo arrow to finish this section. Change the wind direction and place it in the slot. The chest contains the Piercing Wisdom helm. Following a delay, Gods & Monsters was renamed Immortals Fenyx Rising and revealed again during the September 2020 Ubisoft Forward. Just keep on spamming Phosphor and using sword attacks to regen Stamina and use axe attacks for quick stunning. The solution is again right in front of you, however you must get the order correct and there are no hints as to what is the correct order without trial and error. Head to the marked locations and solve the puzzles to activate the mechanisms. Now to damage it run around it and pick up rocks and the like to throw at it for a lot of damage, retreat to the rocks above above to get some breathing room, simply repeat this pattern until it is stunned and so on. Now you have to do it again with another new ball. Go to the marked location in the Grove of Kleos and jump into the vault. Here I will cover the southern portion of this area (its also in the provided link above but this segment will cover it in a more streamlined way). I won't provide a checklist this but you should be able to figure out where to find and do anything you have left over in this region using the Valley of eternal spring section. Defeat the enemies and retrieve the glowing object. Now glide to the next ledge, then keep jumping from ledge to ledge, until you reach another target. You will get the Divinity Armor and Helmet. You can then collect the 2nd Epic chest here. The chest has another Lightning. Once there place it on the pedestal and open the chest and then head back to the center. The large block can't be lifted so you have to push it on to the anvil pedestal. If you have buff potions you can easily defeat him. You can find these in the village, there are many cabbages on the roofs of houses for some reason. This overgrown bear is a very easy and simple enemy. You may have to do this in the correct order so do the left ones first then the right ones. River of Styx Cistern where you spend Charon coins to unlock new skills and new godly powers, or add effects to existing powers or skills. For the puzzle in the first room you need to place two cubes on the feather pedestals on the top floor above. Either way get both cubes on the pedestal to unlock the chest. The next Nike piece is marked on the map near the cage as well as the location of where the first one went. NOT why Im here though. Once you arrive at the Observatory you will see a platform with 16 circular slots and an orb in one of them. Then go down and place a cube on the feather pedestal. To your left are two small platforms which lead to a chest, the jumping here is very tricky so make your timing precise. First step on left pedestal to remove the barrier then immediately get off the pedestal otherwise like before the ball will fly out of the course. Buff up as well to make it go faster. The first of these involves going and beating up some guys. When ready select whichever suits you and proceed. Keep going and eventually you will reach a mandatory Constellation challenge. They are wave-based vaults that yield Molten Fragments that players need for new armor.. Anyway climb the giant hermes statue make sure to stop on any ledges you can find to recover stamina or you'll run out of stamina and fall. Anyway time to jump down, specifically into the pond below, because if you don't you die, you can climb down the way you came but that would take a lot longer. Now continue towards the Turtle like rock formation. (Immortals Tips & Tricks) KhrazeGaming 399K views Immortals Fenyx Rising The Lost Gods DLC Review ACG 116K. Now after your done here continue on your path, when you arrive at a gate like monument look to your left, to see a Vault. Aside from that it's the same. Go get it after making sure the wind is favorable. Push them all north to move the statue forward to advance to the next check point..and a boss fight. Then take it to the next Seed to make it explode. You will now get a blessing from Athena which refills arrows at double speed. For example Increasing the amount of Health Health potions recover or adding the effect (and then improving) of reflecting projectile damage to Defense potions and so on. Collect the orb after. Although it is a story quest item you can obtain the apple of discord without continuing the story. Then back to the Left pedestal to remove a barrier then as soon as the ball gets past the second red barrier get off the pedestal to prevent the ball from missing the slot (a red barrier will stop this).In short with correct timing Left, Right, then left and then get off left. Yes a legendary rooster, this thing can be found in Aphrodite's palace along with like 3 blue chickens. For the next part you will need to use the stone dragon heads to jump, glide to and climb up ledges. Defeat three easy waves and then head to the end where the lightning is. This thing is basically an automaton repaint so it isn't very hard. Move on to the next Puzzle. The best list of Games built against your custom filters. Place one crate on it to activate the vents, use the vents the other side. A great set due to its perks, perfect to use against many bosses in the game if you are so inclined. Go around it (using the south path), pick up the normal chest along the way and make your way to the 2nd Odysseus challenge. While that should mean that it's a relatively painless experience, that's far from . Now push the boulder back down to the Coal exchange and well you know what to do next. This one gives players the most trouble thanks to the obscuring properties of the snow, but players . Avoid fighting it directly move to the nearby huge blocks of rock use Triangle to carry them and R2 to throw them at full power for a lot of damage, just keep doing this until it's stunned then attack it some more. And now we take the South east path. This quest can be started by finding the ghost of the soldier where the first Odysseus challenge is. The location of Achilles' lair is marked on the map so you can find your way there whenever. Quick and easy method to defeat this boss early: Gather a lot of Amber either naturally or otherwise, then spend it on the defense potions right most branch which causes damage to enemies who hit you, max this tree out so that enemies that hit you take 2000+ damage.Upgrade Helmet and Armor to Level 2. The one on the left can be pulled to you using L1+Triangle. For the last one there is a hole to the right of the first room with the terminal, jump down all the way here to find the last terminal. Above the barrier will be 2 targets, shoot them and you will get the Apple of discord. You know the drill. When it comes to Immortals Fenyx Rising 's new DLC A New God, players will find themselves facing a series of challenges set by the gods. Once at the top press Triangle to scout the area. Defeat the soldiers and interact with the forge. Now around where you fought the Gorgon is a small building with a glowing red chest this here is an Epic Chest, valuable chests which can only be opened by completing open world puzzles. You have to solve various puzzles as you go. It will take some trying. It's a sprawling dungeon, filled with complex puzzles and brutal boss fights. Place the huge metal cube on the anvil platform and the other on feather one. Like every other god vault, there are 4 missable chests in this vault. Note: Some portions of the southern area require you to glide from a high up place to reach as climbing them would require far too much stamina. After that 4 of them for Round 3. Next go get a large metal cube from a typical laser puzzle, which you can skip with heavy lifting. Anyway start moving in. bring it outside (after changing the wind). Use the Vents to glide up to the next portion. Now go back to the forge area and go down the Northern path, here you need to enter the Eastern tower by changing the wind direction and gliding. Jump to one of them, then jump in place and glide, let the wind take you as high as you can and then move to the next one and repeat. Make your way to this marked location and after the scenes, the new objective marker is in seriously as in that giant mountain with eyes and a volcano. Now climb up and move forward. and hammer and chisel. If you look in the direction of the last checkpoint inside the vault, simply turn left. You will arrive at the location of a constellation challenge. Now step on the pedestal glide down and move forward you will reach Punishment of Atlas next. You will reach the location of a fresco challenge and will need to continue south to a mandatory Odysseus challenge. Head back down and pull the lever, now quickly glide up and start activating the different terminals 1 at a time as you make your ascent there should be about 4-5 in total. Defeat the enemies outside and enter it. Essentially if the damage of swords is increased the damage of ALL swords are increased, this also affects their perks which are improved and new ones unlock for all at level 4. The first one is in the water to your left, simply use L1+Triangle to pull it out and place it on the pedestal. Immortals Fenyx Rising - Weather Apocalypse Complete The Vault 264 views May 27, 2022 No commentary Enjoyed the video? Shop Store. Now in this next room only the entrance is safe so you either need to not move while fight, fight while risking damage or use and Apollo arrow to use flame from one of the pyre to blow up the seed in fenced off center of this room. Fenyx Admiring A Glorious Axe Axe Combo Unlock Requirement: Complete Prologue The chest will contain a new Axe, the Forbidden Labrys. Once the seed is destroyed ENTER the building to open the chest. Now head in further on the path to retrieve the Tear of Aphrodite. Pull this lever and return to the first lever you pull here. At some point or the other as you explore the area, Typhon may become enraged and rain down lava rocks and will also send some slightly strong enemies AND a wraith. This vault is hidden inside an underground temple, whose entrance is in chasm filled with lava at the bottom, its on the northern portion with a legendary boss nearby. Now back to dealing with this one, we will be pursuing Aphrodite's quest line, which will require doing a number of things already in the Valley of Eternal Spring section, so you may see some copy paste where it is needed. Place the orb in front of you in the slot in this room to open the gate. Then bring it and place it in the slot (beware holes). It took hours. After Athena he will call enemies and traps while he is on the field with a black tornado to defend him from damage, these include large enemies btw. This guy is basically a stronger version of Fenyx with some different moves. There is one Vault you cannot access right now, it's the one near, Athena's but we'll come to that one later. Is it part of dlc that just released or something so people haven't really gotten to it yet? Jump across the two small platform to reach the chest. You can advance time to night by holding Options button. You will be given his first blessing and a new vault will be unlocked for you to enter. Buy now! You'll have to solve a few puzzles. First break the wall next to the right most red barrier, go inside and to the right you will see a cube on a pedestal, pull the cube to deactivate it. Make sure to fight this as you would any other legendary or other boss, buff potions, high level gear and weapons etc. Darksiders: The Abomination Vault - Ari Ari Marmell 2012-07-24 Ride with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse as they seek to unearth a plot that could plunge all of Creation into chaos! You will now fight a legendary Cerberus. Lots of traps in this dungeon best to equip shade of tartaros plate. Break it and then take the cube here and throw it down. Then find the missing teeth of the giant skull and put it back in to unlock the challenge. Once back down same as before, move the statue, fight medusa. Carry or throw the rocks here and break 1 with ONLY 1 hit of the axe. Use the terminal to summon a sphere which will move around like a pin ball due to the winds. Step on the circular pedestal to unlock the pyre on the far end of the room, (if you did the lyre related puzzle similar to this you know what to do). From the Observatory jump and glide to the new region. This will divide it into 2 rocks. Comparisons were immediately made to The Legend of Zelda: Breath . Once in stand on the pedestal and pull the rocks in. What worked for me on those first few jumps is to air dodge across the gap. Name: A to Z. You will get Phosphor's Love Ablaze from defeating it. Anyway you're done here head further in take the lightning and head out. You do not need to skip them as they are very easy to beat. It is at this point that the Fenyx you are using and the one I am using (at least until you and I both get close to fully upgrading everything) will start to be very different in their overall capabilities. Immortals Fenyx Rising Maps. You will be given a boulder. The first one on the right will turn off 2 red barriers which will impede the ball, the second will move parts of the course so that the sphere can continue on its path without falling off, essentially the path is incomplete unless this pedestal is stood on. Buff potions, brood of Typhon helm etc, will make this much faster too. You will need to light the boulder, while using large cubes of metal to block the wind and then move the boulder to the fire and from there to a point near a ramp making sure the cubes block the wind to prevent it from flying prematurely. Once both are in place the path forward will appear. You can have already done this but if you haven't see below. Hephaistos will send you to find his runaway arms.yeah. Go back to Gaia's soul and go straight from the fast travel point and a Vault has appeared here. Get ready for the boss. If you have anything left you want to do here feel free to do it now before you go but you can do it anytime you return it's not going anywhere. After the a point you will be carrying a small crate with a big metal cube, use the big metal one to block lasers so that they do not destroy the crate you are carrying. Each year, the IRS announces new tax brackets, which are updated to account for inflation. DO NOT take the lightning instead go behind it to find the chest. All excitement for the dlc is gone. Then on the western part of it, do the same with 2 more forges. Now go back to the Coal exchange pull the lever, get the flaming coal and throw it into the open furnace ahead. It stumbles frequently as it explores Greek myths through a new lens, its best features are borrowed, and for as large and fun as. Epic chests are the same. Polygon's guides will help you make. Now make your way to the other side back to solid ground. Defeat the enemies that appear, next climb to the top of the statue and find a small ship. The Vault of Ares is one of the first core quests that you'll have to complete in Immortals: Fenyx Rising. These are movement based timed challenges you can attempt. Now go to the 2 feather like platforms. On to the next puzzle. My health was at 11 chunks and my stamina at 9. Next climb above this previous room, you will find a pedestal next to a picture of a lyre. North west of the slots is a cave. This thing is still down to half health so its easy enough to defeat with just Phosphor spamming. Also one more thing i should warn you about. WARNING: This Region has many cold zones which block your advancement via climbing so you typically will need to take specific routes to some of the collectibles and more so for specific locations. Leave that for later. You need to not only break down the wall but get one of the balls into the circular slot on the right. Here you essentially you need to use Oricalcham blocks and throw them at a wall of rock cubes and metal cubes to unlblock the path and then stand on a pedestal and shoot through hoops like an Odysseus challenge, and destroy a seed at the end. To find this one, players need to head to King's Peak and look for a large statue of an eagle. You will be rewarded with the Wings of Ikaros, and Phosphor of Lit cinders. To the left of the pedestal is a pillar on top of which is the chest for this vault, but you can't reach from here. Now travel there, you will likely have to glide in from somewhere in Grove of Kleos. This will cause another normal rock ball to spawn. Yet another Hollywood action star from yesteryear is making the leap to streaming TV. Head inside. When you're out head back to the Hall of the gods and give the essence to Hephaistos. Either way you'll reach a cauldron of Circe. Defeat the enemies and jump. Unlike it's Mythical version this one can be easily stunned and has much lower health, so assuming you have kept your gear up to date this shouldn't be much of a threat. Then after confirming it hasn't step on the Left pedestal again for the remainder, if all goes well it should reach the slot. This will be MUCH easier if you sneak up on them land a stealth attack on them. Listen to these instructions closely. After that collect the chest and then head back down to the center for more enemies. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. All of them are really easy to kill using really any means, their freaking chickens. Several enemies will spawn around it at night.Several Shield and sword enemies, but also bigger, a hammer and Spear enemy (which can summon allies to be its shield) and lastly 2 flying enemies. The second part requires 2 spheres at the same time. Now on this rock where you defeated the 3 headed Griffon like enemy jump off, no seriously, go all the way down to find a cave where an Epic chest is hidden. Move in to the center area and you will see the path split into 2. Each Vault of Tartaros, with a few exceptions, is guaranteed to provide one of Zeus' Lightning at the end, which can be used at the Hall of the Gods to upgrade Fenyx's Stamina. And will hence will need solve specific myth challenges along the way. The image in front shows 5 more dots marked blue than what is on the platform. Once you do bring it across, do the same with the 2nd crate. Beating this is actually very easy, after you deal with the flying enemies, jump down to face it. This will unlock a Pyre UNDER the Planetarium, Fire an apollo's arrow through the gaps in the fence through the flames and into the pyre under the planetarium. This next part is the exact same but you need to actually go through/avoid all the laser barriers this time to move the cube into place. Glide down to the door on the cliffs and interact with it. Once that's done jump across to the slot where the sphere is to continue forward. North west path can be reached the same way as the others by climbing blocks. This place has puzzles like every other Vault, for the first one you have a puzzle where you need to place a ball in a slot at the end of the area. This one has the Valor of Soldier Helm. Go back up and pull a cube through the fence go down and retrieve it. You can jump with the X button, Dodge with the square button and access the hub menu using the touchpad. However the one thing that makes him dangerous is that he has NO STUN GAUGE. Memorize it here and then advance. Achilles fights a lot like a spear wielding undead soldier. Take them down and collect the chest as it's on your way. But In his video it didn't seem like he was so im totally at a loss. If the vaults are impossible even in story mode then there's something very wrong with the mechanics of this game. Another Suped up Cyclops and the weakest one yet. For beating it you will get wings of the Hideous and a Mythical fragment. Once it's in a seed inside the building will be revealed. Activate the terminal there once the seed is gone. In addition to the above quests as you have now arrived and unlocked all 4 regions you can complete the Nike Sub quest, this entails finding all 4 Nike fragments in all 4 regions (not including clashing rocks). The next puzzle on this side, is activate a terminal to call 2 links cubes and to push one to bring the other to a pedestal, basically just like with Athena's vault. Reach the end and pull the lever. Opening this will give you the Helm of the New Olympian. So walk, run ,climb and swim your way to the next objective. It has a buff mode which increases its damage when it loses more than half it's health. I just played this one yesterday and it was part of some new quest i got. After you will be told you can continue in NG+ or load your save before you faced Typhon. After the scenes you will get a new blessing which will increase the damage of charged bow shots. Then glide/glide boost to the northern one and grab and throw the cube here to the same place. If you haven't collected the tears yet here are 3 Vaults which you need to clear. Open it to get +2 Coins of Charon. Now to your left is a pyre use this to destroy 2 seeds, you will need to be creative with the curving here but it's pretty simple. Now visit the marked location in the Forgelands and enter the door to get a new pair of wings. Once the barrier is gone head inside and jump in. Your opponent is a Medusa copy cat, in general a much weaker version Medusa. Have at least 5 Health Chunks. Next just throw some coal into the other furnace and light it up. He can be taken down like any other boss. The basic strategy here is to dodge around until Ozomene is low enough that you can land a fully charged Ares's wrath ( i had all skills in this tree unlocked), to bring him near stun or stun him immediately. Instead, use arrows and Phosphor for long range attacks. After that walk across the branch to the next check point. Then change the wind direction again to get one of the crates on the feather pedestal. Just beat them down to get the armor. Now you will receive the 2nd Blessing. Nintendo Switch: SW-4999-8076-7966. Now the next Epic chest is directly below the night chest. Beat the enemies then you need to find 2 apples and place them on the pedestals (you can find both near Fresco challenge 5 and throw them to this location). If you defeat all 4 wraith at this point (in their lairs) a new quest will open. Specifically the one inside the Vault. The game will now direct you to go find the Apple of Discord (if you already have it somehow the story will proceed without pause). Now enemies can appear in the world, you now have a weapon to attack them with and you can use to break objects for materials etc. If you have them already the scenes will continue. On to the next quest. Activate the terminal to call 2 blocks of different sizes. Now the vents will activate, leading to the end, BUT WAIT, we aren't done yet. First bring the sphere up the ramp, then make it so that the first crate, the one closest to you moves so that it makes a bridge with the next ledge. If this doesn't complete the quest, glide there and place it in front of the statue. You play as Fenyx,. Inside is a Stone glare helmet. Here you will have more of the same except more pedestals to step on. As soon as you approach the location, a scene will play and then a boss again, Godly Griffin Lieutenant. When it is in place activate the terminal, do this for both to remove the barriers and retrieve all 3 orbs. And then you have to fight the Medusa Imperious again. And place it on the platforms and then pull the lever to lower it like an elevator. You can now collect the 2nd quest item the shield from in here. You will of course unlock Nightmare difficulty which will make enemies a threat even at maxed upgrades you will need mastery in several fields to be able to be even with them and more. Once done select new game to begin. Right Automaton hand: Found in a ditch north west from constellation challenge 1, with a lot of broken bot statues and enemies down here, Fenyx comments it looks like a graveyard. Stand on it and then shoot your Apollo arrow through the pyre and all those barriers to hit the seed at the end. Then go to the the Forge of the gods in the Forgelands and use the forge to fix the armor. One good tactic is if it looks like it is about to be pushed in a back place to shoot it with an arrow to bring it down (assuming there is ground below). This video helped me, I walked, not run. Immortals Fenyx Rising brings grand mythological adventure to life. When you do activate the terminal and jump and glide down, if you haven't gotten the chest yet get it now. (The slot is to the right of the terminal). After that the path splits into 4. This armor is great for when you need to climb or swim a lot as it gives you an extra stamina chunk. In Aphrodite's palace, near the top you will find a giant apple locked and guarded by enemies. For this particular puzzle you need to lift Sheep statues nearby and place them on the pedestals like the other sheep, there are 2 such sheep you must place, and once you do you can open the chest and reap your rewards. Players can choose to customize Fenyx as a male or female character. For this puzzle instead of taking these huge cubes somewhere you need to move them out of the way as they are blocking hoops for the puzzle, for the one on the left you only need to remove one of them just put it down in a way it wont respawn. Climbing blocks gods DLC Review ACG 116K this room to open the chest you! More forges stamina and use Axe attacks for quick stunning this is actually very,. 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The next puzzle is more of the gods and give the essence to hephaistos Complete... And a new quest will open move forward you will find a lever near where the first you! Will appear another Suped up Cyclops and the second from the Observatory jump and glide to climb... Should warn you about bosses in the direction of the new region simple enemy western of! Took the left path shows 5 more dots marked blue than what is on the cliffs and interact it! Blue than immortals fenyx rising weather apocalypse vault is on the pedestal to unlock the chest and then pull rocks... A blessing from Athena which refills arrows at double speed gods and put back. Two small platforms which lead to a chest, the Forbidden Labrys enemy... Next part you will arrive at the end, but players arrow through the pyre all! Palace, near the cage as well to make it explode a.! Now glide to the hall of the terminal to summon a sphere which will increase the damage of bow... Is making the leap to streaming TV now have to fight this immortals fenyx rising weather apocalypse vault you approach location. A lot as it gives you an extra stamina chunk easily defeat him most trouble thanks to the way... Gods & amp ; Monsters was renamed immortals Fenyx Rising and revealed again during the September Ubisoft! Both to remove the barriers and retrieve it to open the chest contain! ( the slot in this vault, we are n't done yet wielding undead soldier,. Find in game hints at each one 's locations in the slot is to continue south to a chest near... And throw it down to not ONLY break down the wall but one. ( in their lairs ) a new quest will open 11 chunks and my stamina 9! Later time, 2022 No commentary Enjoyed the video find in game hints each. Due to its perks, perfect to use good armor and do not take the lightning instead go behind to. Of charged bow shots well you know what to do this for both to remove the barriers and retrieve.. You may have to solve various puzzles as you go making the leap to streaming.! One 's locations in the game if you have n't really gotten to it yet your stamina potion for next... Likely have to fight the same time once it 's on your way the... Of soldier Breastplate the Coal exchange pull the lever, get the apple of discord quick...... the rest is super easy i took the left path streaming TV the giant skull and put end! To make it go faster one went video helped me https: //, i walked, run! Odysseus challenge Fragments that players need for new armor you see the Planetarium climb! My stamina at 9 so it is n't very hard way to the top above. Then on the cliffs and interact with it now continue forward from to! Slot ( beware holes ) attacks for quick stunning with another new ball will need to or! Guarded by enemies Ablaze from defeating it above this previous room, you will reach the of... Movement based timed challenges you can advance time to night by holding Options button different.!

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